I'm looking to move some of my lighter weight metaprogramming from Nemerle to Boo and I'm trying to figure out how to define custom operators. For example, I can do the following in Nemerle:
macro @<-(func, v) {
<[ $func($v) ]>
Then these two are equivalent:
foo <- 5;
I can't find a way of doing this in Boo -- any id...
For a long time I've been trying different languages to find the feature-set I want and I've not been able to find it. I have languages that fit decently for various projects of mine, but I've come up with an intersection of these languages that will allow me to do 99.9% of my projects in a single language. I want the following:
Say I need some very special multiplication operator. It may be implemented in following macro:
macro @<<!(op1, op2)
<[ ( $op1 * $op2 ) ]>
And I can use it like
def val = 2 <<! 3
And its work.
But what I really want is some 'english'-like operator for the DSL Im developing now:
macro @multiply(op1, op2)
<[ ( $op1 * ...
I have the following method in some nemerle code:
private static getLinks(text : string) : array[string] {
def linkrx = Regex(@"<a\shref=['|\"](.*?)['|\"].*?>");
def m = linkrx.Matches(text);
mutable txmatches : array[string];
for (mutable i = 0; i < m.Count; ++i) {
txmatches[i] = m[i].Value;
I am trying to add Silverlight support to my favorite programming langauge Nemerle.
Nemerle , on compilation procedure, loads all types via reflection mainly in 2 steps
1-) Uses Assembly.LoadFrom to load assembly
2-) Usese Assembly.GetTypes() to get the types
Then at the end of compilation it emits the resolved types with Re...
I want to use Nemerle in an ASP.NET application. Specifically, putting .n files into App_Code.
I added this to my web.config system.codedom/compilers section:
<compiler language="n;Nemerle" extension=".n" type="Nemerle.Compiler.NemerleCodeProvider, Nemerle.Compiler"/>
When running I get this exception:
The assembly '' is already loa...
Languages such as Nemerle support the idea of chords. I'd like to know what their practical use is.
Hello, I want to know how to take input from the console of the form :
M 14 65 99 in nemerle. In C# I am doing this by :
string[] input = System.Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
ch = System.Char.Parse(input[0]);
a = System.Int32.Parse(input[1]);
d = System.Int32.Parse(input[2]);
I can't find the solution
How to install Nemerle on Mono
I've got Nemerle Studio , But I want to try mono with it.
Maybe I will make something for Linux later, now I want to try it on windows.
I want to hide my console after creating a from in my console application.
And then show it again after closing form :) or somewhere when I want ...
Ok... I want to make win32api WriteProcessMemory works.
(*Just for learning winAPI on .Net platforms ! ^_^*)
I'm using Nemerle but the syntax is similar C# and I can read C# code sure.
So here is my steps :
1) get win api function
[DllImport("kernel32.dll",SetLastError = true)]
public static extern WriteProcessMemory
(hProcess : Int...
I've got Textbox with a string like 89 3d 2c c0 7f 00
How to store it to Byte[] (byte array) variable ?
Now I can read only one dec value :(
I'm using lpBaseAddress : IntPtr
but ... I need to enter hex value :-/ like a normal offset
like on VB that could be something like :
offset = CLng("&H" + text)
So I need to take a value from textbox and make same magic on C# (or Nemerle ^_)
internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
get {
if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
private nForm_Load (_ : object, _ : System.EventArgs) : void
mutable procent : double = 0;
for (mutable i : int = 0; i <= 100; i++)
procent = i;
SplashScreen.SetCurrentTitle("Loading : " + Math.Ceiling(...
for (mutable i : int = 0; i <= 100; i++)
SplashScreen.SetCurrentTitle("Loading : " + i.ToString() + "%");
And it works only for 17-25 :-/ Why and how to fix
private CurrentTitle : string
How to save class object to file and then encrypt it with open and closed key.
closed key must be one for all (just for safe)
and open key must be different for each file.
I want use this code ... Looking like it is what I want but I still need Encryption.
public ObjectToFile(_Object : object, _FileName : string) : bool
Error :
Before the establishment of the first object IWin32Window in the annex to call SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault.
why error ? how to avoid ? and ... what SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault actually makes :)
at web.config
<section name="FlowWebDataProviders" type="FlowWebProvidersSection" requirePermission="false"/>
<FlowWebDataProviders peopleProviderName="sqlProvider" IzmListProviderName="sqlProvider">
<add name="sqlProvider" type="SqlPeopleProvider" connectionStringName="FlowServerConnectionString"/>
here is a code :
using System;
using Nemerle.Collections;
using Nemerle.Text;
//using Nemerle.Utility;
using System.Linq;
using Nemerle.Data.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Data.Linq;
namespace LinqTestes
public class Linq2SqlTests
static ReadConnectionString() : string
def currAssm = ...