
Python - sort a list of nested lists

I have input consisting of a list of nested lists like this: l = [[[[[39]]]], [1, 2, 3], [4, [5, 3], 1], [[[[8, 9], 10], 11], 12]] I want to sort this list based on the sum of all the numbers in the nested lists... so, the values I want to sort by of l would look like this: [39, 6, 13, 50] Then I want to sort based on these. So the...

Mapping a nested list with List Comprehension in Python?

I have the following code which I use to map a nested list in Python to produce a list with the same structure. >>> nested_list = [['Hello', 'World'], ['Goodbye', 'World']] >>> [map(str.upper, x) for x in nested_list] [['HELLO', 'WORLD'], ['GOODBYE', 'WORLD']] Can this be done with list comprehension alone (without using the map func...

jQuery UI Accordion "navigation: true" failed on nested <ul>

Hello, I am building an Accordion Menu using jQuery UI. But it appears to me that the navigation: true setter does not work for a nested <ul> tag. navigation: true works for Header A -> Link 1, Header B -> Link 2, but not for anything in subHeader under Header B (Link 3, Link 4). May I know if I am using an incorrect structure so that ...

Advisable approach for nested lists for binding in WPF

Question: What would be the most effective way of doing a nested list which allows for data binding in the view and awareness of what shipment is selected so that command bindings from the view can function in the viewmodel on the appropriate item in any of the nested lists? Info: I've got a program that I've been working a lot on to...

Adding a list item within another list

Ok I have a class similar to the following... public class Order { private Guid id; [DataMember] public Guid ID { get { return id; } set { id = value; } } private List<Items> orderItems; [DataMember] public List<Items> OrderItems { get { return orderItems; } set { orde...

Cake PHP tree structure and website navigation

Hi there. I wonder if you can help me. I am looking to implement multi level navigation, parent section, child, grand child, etc which in cakePHP is straight forward enough using the tree data structure. However, in terms of the front end, I don't want to just output all pages in the structure. I want to only output the structure of th...

How to move third level li elements up and remove the ul?

I have a fairly large, three level deep, menu consisting of nested lists like in this example <ul class="nav"> <li><a href="#">1</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">2</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">level 3</a></li> <li><a href="#">level 3</a></li> <li><a href="#">level 3</a></li> </ul> </li> ...

How do I parse a string representing a nested list into an actual list?

Say I have a string representing some nested lists and I want to convert it into the real thing. I could do this, I think: exec "myList = ['foo', ['cat', ['ant', 'bee'], 'dog'], 'bar', 'baz']" But in an environment where users might be supplying the string to execute this could/would be a bad idea. Does anybody have any ideas for a ti...

Python append() vs. + operator on lists, why do these give different results?

Why do these two operations give different results? >>> c = [1, 2, 3] >>> c [1, 2, 3] >>> c += c >>> c [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] >>> c = [1, 2, 3] >>> c.append(c) >>> c [1, 2, 3, [...]] >>> In the last case there's actually infinite recursion. c[-1] and c are the same. Why is it different with the + operation? ...

How to create nested lists in python?

I know you can create easily nested lists in python like this: [[1,2],[3,4]] But how to create a 3x3x3 matrix of zeroes? [[[0] * 3 for i in range(0, 3)] for j in range (0,3)] or [[[0]*3]*3]*3 Doesn't seem right. There is no way to create it just passing a list of dimensions to a method? Ex: CreateArray([3,3,3]) ...

jQuery hover problem with nested lists in ie7

Hey guys, I've got a a left floated UL list for a menu, one option with a nested UL for dropdown, each of which is given it's own nested ul child, which is only displayed on hover. What I'm finding in IE 7 is that if the mouse moves out of the boundries of the parent then the sub-menu disappers, it also seems to be clearing out the link...

Django URLs - How to pass a list of items via clean URLs?

Hi all, I need to implement a structure similar to this: (there can be other things at the end instead of "view") The depth of this structure is not known, and there can be a folder buried deep inside the tree. It is essential to get this exact URL pattern, i.e. I cannot just go for example.c...

not able to remove nested lists in a jQuery variable

Hi I have a nested oredered list which i m animating using this code... var $li = $("ol#update li"); function animate_li(){ $li.filter(':first') .animate({ height: 'show', opacity: 'show' }, 50...

jquery nested sortable list

i have this code $(document).ready(function() { $("#test-list").sortable({ items: "> li", handle : '.handle', axis: 'y', opacity: 0.6, update : function () { var order = $('#test-list').sortable('serialize'); $("#info").load("process-sortable.asp?"+order+"&id=catid&orde...

sorting nested list, allow only li to be sorted witin the same ul

$(document).ready(function() { $("#test-list").sortable({ items: "> li", handle : '.handle', axis: 'y', opacity: 0.6, update : function () { var order = $('#test-list').sortable('serialize'); $("#info").load("process-sortable.asp?"+order+"&id=catid&order=order...

not able to add list item between a list using jquery

Hi I m having a ordered list having the structure <ol> <li> </li> <li> </li> <li> <ol> <li> Test </li> <li> another test </li> <li> <a href='#'>Add </a> </li> ...

Recommendations for C# controls that can be used to create a hierarchical list of prioritised items?

I need to be able to display and edit a hierarchical list of tasks in a C# app. It can either be a Windows form app, or ASP.NET. Basically, I want similar behaviour to the way Microsoft Project handles tasks. The control would need to: 1) Maintain a list of items made up of several fields 2) Each item can have a number of children (a...

How to concat lists in erlang without creating nested lists?

I'm trying to be a good erlanger and avoid "++". I need to add a tuple to the end of a list without creating a nested list (and hopefully without having to build it backwards and reverse it). Given tuple T and lists L0 and L1: When I use [T|L0] I get [tuple,list0]. But when I use [L0|T], I get nested list [[list0]|tuple]. Similarly, [L...

LINQ: How to join nested Lists in an ObjectCollection

Hi, is it possible to define a LINQ statement for the following problems WITHOUT using a foreach loop? public class GroupObject { public String name; public List<String> letters; public void test() { List<GroupObject> myGroups = new List<GroupObject> { new GroupObject { name="test1", ...

PHP/Smarty - How to check an array for objects with specific values, and create temp array of those objects

First-timer here, I hope I explain this well enough... PHP/Smarty, I'm working on a section of a page that displays bullet lists of notes associated with either the general page, or individual places on that page. Some places don't have notes. Something like: General note 1 New York note 2 note 3 Boston note 4 I have two a...