
How to customize RESTful Routes in Rails (basics)

I have read through the Rails docs for Routing, Restful Resources, and the UrlHelper, and still don't understand best practices for creating complex/nested routes. The example I'm working on now is for events, which has_many rsvps. So a user's looking through a list of events, and clicks register, and goes through a registration proces...

Rails Many to Many Relationship with occasional Nested Routes

As I am learning more about rails, and breaking my design thinking from ASP.Net days, I was considering a scenario this morning but did not know if it was possible to do. Practitioners have many Treatments through services - and vice versa In my control Panel I have an area for Practitioners to edit their details (names, contact info e...

Rails Nested Resources with :member

I've got something like this in my routes.rb: map.resources :retailers, :has_one => [:invite_code] map.resources :invite_codes, :member => {:redeem => :get} and it isn't generating a route that I would expect: http://localhost:3000/retailers/1/invite_code/redeem Am I doing it wrong? ...

How to make parameters optional when using Rails named routes?

I have a named route: map.find '/find/:category/:state/:search_term/:permalink', :search_term=>nil, :controller=>'find', :action=>'show_match' and the following URL matches it & works OK: http://localhost:3000/find/cars/ca/TestSeachTerm/bumpedupphoto-test but if I take out the 2nd last parameter i.e. "TestSearchTerm", then the rout...

Rails - Debugging Nested Routes

Hi, I have 2 models, Assessments and Questions. Assessments have many questions. In routes, I have: map.resources :assessments, :has_many => :questions map.root :assessments I checked rake routes, it's as expected On the form to create a new question, I get the following error: undefined method `questions_path' for #<ActionView::B...

Routes error on [POST] [Ruby on Rails]

Right now I'm building a project management app in rails, here is some background info: Right now i have 2 models, one is User and the other one is Client. Clients and Users have a one-to-one relationship (client -> has_one and user -> belongs_to which means that the foreign key it's in the users table) So what I'm trying to do it's on...

No response to Show and Rails Routes

I have my file structure set up appropriately ( I think ! ) , and claims nothing responds to show. My file structure : views/admin/admin_wysi/index.html.haml My controller ( controllers/admin/admin_wysis_controller.rb ) class Admin::AdminWysisController < Admin::ApplicationController def index end end My routes.rb

Nested Routes with has_one in rails

G'day guys, Having a bit of an issue with Rails routes, at the moment. Have a top resource: /Customer/ which itself has only one /Quote/ resource Quotes can have both first_resources and second_resources which are collections of resources associated with the quotes Building the route, though how do I nest multiple routes under a has...

Rails restful namespaces, resources... newbie question

I'm attempting to use nested controllers that have restful pathing, so that I'm all organized and such. Here's a copy of my routes.rb so far: map.root :controller => "dashboard" map.namespace :tracking do |tracking| tracking.resources :companies end map.namespace :status do |status| status.resources :reports end Li...

Help convert a nested route to Rails 3

I have a comment form (in comments/_form.html.erb) that I use in my other controllers (posts and tags). <% form_for([@post,], :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :commenter %> <%= f.text_field :email %> <%= f.text_area :body %> <%= f.submit 'submit' %> <% end %> In my Comment mo...

RESTful routes for has_many :through relationships?

I have 2 models - User and Activity - which are related by a has_many :through using the UserActivity model. A User can either "want" or "done" an activity, which creates a UserActivity record and sets the appropriate boolean. What would you recommend for handling these actions when creating routes and controller actions? Would somethin...

How I get the Railscasts episode "#229: Polling for Changes" to work with a nested route?

I have a rails 3 application very similar to the one in Railscasts episode #229 the only difference is that in my code Articles is called Posts and I have a nested route: routes.rb: Myapp::Application.routes.draw do resources :posts do resources :comments end root :to => "tags#index" end I receive this error in the terminal...

Understanding Routing in Rails 3

Hi all I think I am thinking about routing all wrong. I have a very simple, two model set-up: Product and Photo. Product has_many :photos, and Photo belongs_to :product. Product has a full scaffold while Photo has a photos_controller that I am working on. In routes.rb we have: resources :products (generated by the scaffold) As phot...