
How to use Ninject Conventions extension without referencing Assembly (or Types within it)

Sorry in advance for the long question, it's long because I've been digging at this all day. The general problem: I have an ASP.Net MVC2 application with the following projects: MyApp.Web, MyApp.Services, MyApp.Data. We code to interfaces and utilize Ninject 2 for DI/IoC. However, I'm getting awfully tired of typing (and forgetting ...

Ninject to StructureMap

I am looking to convert following code to StructureMap: private Mock<MembershipProvider> MockMembership = new Mock<MembershipProvider>(); private StandardKernel GetIoCKernel() { var modules = new IModule[] { new InlineModule( new Action<InlineModule>[] { m => m.Bind<MembershipPro...