
Yet another Java classpath problem

Hi I've been working on a project in Netbeans. Now I'd like to submit it and allow the markers to compile it with a script. However, I get the NoClassDefFoundError when I try to run via the command line. Even when setting the classpath to the current directory manually. javac works fine then calling java -classpath . Main g...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.ui.ModelMap

I create a simple webapp using tomcat 6, spring 2.5.6 and maven. The problem is when I boot up tomcat, I am getting the following errors: SEVERE: StandardWrapper.Throwable java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/ui/ModelMap ... Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.ui.ModelMap The ModelMap class...

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown with my own packages in Android 1.5

Hi, I have developed an application which has several packages within it's project... A class in one of those packages is called right away in the first line of code, which throws the dreaded java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError error... I don't get it, the package simply is within the project, and it works fine on my Android 1.6 device, but w...

Liferay and bonita: noclassdeffounderror

Hi! I am trying to develop a portlet in Liferay that operates on a Bonita workflow, but I keep getting the exception in the title. I am not particularly familiar with the Java world, so I have no idea what to bang my head against :) ...

Can't get java progam to run! NoClassDefFoundError?

I'm a .NET developer, but for my current project I need to use Google Caja, a Java project. Uh-oh! I've followed the guide at on my windows machine, but can't get the program to run. The command line they suggest didn't word, so I cd'd into the ant-jars directory and tried to run plu...

Compiling and executing through commandLine shows NoClassDefFoundError when trying to find Java package

I have a client/server program that attempts to send and receive an object. There are three packages: server, client and shared shared contains only the Message class I put from shared package into the same folder as calcclient package source files and calcserver package source files. I compile using the line: javac -cla...

NoClassDefFoundError for a packaged class

I'm trying to run a jar file that uses the YouTube Data API and I'm getting a NoClassDefFoundError for one of the API classes: AuthenticationException.class is found in the gdata-core-1.0 jar: The gdata-core-1.0 jar has been added to my classpath: What am I doing wrong? ...

how to export java applet

First of all I'm not a Java programmer, so maybe (hopefully :D) this problem could be very simple to solve. I've wrote a simple applet to send file from client to a remote FTP server with a third-part library. When I run it in my eclipse applet viewer everything works correctly, but when i try it in my web browser I see a message like th...

[Blackberry] NoClassDefFoundError importing a library project

Hi, I'm currently writing a unit test project using the version 4.6.1 (Windows Vista + Eclipse). My project is divided in 3 part: A. Unit test application (type:CLDC application) B. Application to be tested (type:CLDC application) C. A library project (type: library,no .jar file imported) The A project should reference the code prese...

log4j and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Layout

I am trying to get a piece of code working with log4j. If I run it via junit tests (ant task), I am getting proper log outputs and all is fine. If I run the code from the command line, I get this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Layout at

Looking for a Code Converter to Convert a Normal Java Code to Reflection-Style Code

I'm looking for a converter to make a reflection-style Java code from a normal Java code. I'm doing this to prevent exceptions like NoClassDefFoundError (I want to be dependent to a class, but I want Java to simply ignore the code if the library I'm using doesn't have that dependency class). I expect converter like this: initial code:...

Android facebook SDK doing error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError‎

Hi all, I have just downloaded the facebook SDK from I unpack it from git and opened Eclipse. I then created a new project using existing source and selected the facebook directory. So the sdk project came up correctly (i think). Then I created a new project again using existing source and...

Soapui transfer problem; getting NoClassDefFoundError

I wrote a suite of tests using soapui and need to transfer it to another person to run when I leave. I wrote a script that helps me run all the tests on the command line and it works fine on my system. When we try to run it on his system however, we get a few exceptions and cannot find the difference between how it is run on my machine ...

NoClassDefFound trying to use java class and docx4j from grails controller

I have a groovy file that is trying to call some methods from a Java class that I have set up using docx4j to parse .docx files When I set up a pure java test program in eclipse, I am able to do this fine. However, when I have my .groovy file set up, I get no compilation errors, but at runtime I get this stack trace: org.codehaus.groo...

Error while executing a Java Progam, NoClassDefFoundError

package myfirst; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*; import*; import; import java.lang.Iterable; import; import; import java.sql.*; public class ReadExcel { public static String fileToBeRead = "C:/Documents and Settings/Developer/Desktop/Anand e...

jTwitter, oAuth, and Google App Engine. NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to use jTwitter to get an oauth instance to twitter with my consumer key/secret and access token/secret. This is well documented in the javadoc here. I have downloaded signpost, signpost-jetty, and the jtwitter library, but after deploying and running the servlet, I get a error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: winterwell/jtwi...

GWT and Hibernate NoClassDefFoundError

Hi, When i try to make an RPC call to the server i get the following error message ** WebModule[/ProjectName]Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/cglib/proxy/Enhancer** Is this any classpath issue?or do i need to include any lib file or something in my project? I tried searching for a s...

How to debug grails runtime exception?

I have a grails project and a java project. The java project was a standalone set of POJO classes, and I just dumped them into src/java under my grails project. In the controller, I added an import statement for this package. Now when I do a grails run-app and try to run the program, I get a grails runtime exception. It is saying NoCla...

How can I load a class from a JAR-archiv which implements my interface? (java)

Hallo everybody, I got a question: I have written a Java program that implements a STAF service (just a framework for testing, For STAF, all my Classes have to be in an Directory STAF-INF/classes. So I packed my program to an JAR-file MyProg.jar, that looks like this: MyProg.jar --> STAF-INF/ -------> c...

ClassNotFoundException for one class but not another from same package?

I am working on a grails project and I have put a .jar file in the lib directory of the project. I keep getting a runtime exception for ClassNotFoundException in one of my java files that I am using in the grails project. I have a method defined as such: void printValues(org.docx4j.wml.ParaRPr rpr){ } and I have and import section t...