
seedjs vs npm as package manager for javascript?

It seems to be two package managers for javascript at the moment. Seedjs and Npm. Which one should one use? ...

Node.js hosting platform Heroku-like

Hi, I want to create something similar to Heroku (first I was thinking in EngineYard-like but I prefer Heroku) for node.js (I know they already support node.). However, It's for a personal project so it doesn't need to be anything overcomplicated or super expensive. I believe I can learn a lot creating a product like this. Before I sta...

Is it possible to integrate a nodejs app as a part of a rails app?

What's the best way to integrate a NodeJS app into an existing Rails app? Rails app: Nodejs app: or even 23-09-2010: After searching for some time, I think an approach would be to have 2 separate services: Rack (Rails) service, which would host the rails applicatio...

non-blocking(event driven I/O) vs. blocking I/O

Recently I stumbled across this pretty slick JS library called nodeJS that acts like a server side JS. The main feature of the language being Evented I/O and which gives the inherent capacity of I/O being completely non-blocking!!! using callbacks. My question is if such kind of I/O mechanism which is completely non-blocking existed in...

Node.js from localhost

Hi, I'm experimenting with nodejs on my localhost now. I do have a simple server host but I don't have SSH access etc. How can I share my work with people in this situation? Thanks, Tee ...

Nodejs - Stream output to broswer

var http = require("http"); var sys = require('sys') var filename = process.ARGV[2]; var exec = require('child_process').exec; var com = exec('uptime'); http.createServer(function(req,res){ res.writeHead(200,{"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); com.on("output", function (data) { res.write(data, encoding='utf8'); }); }).listen(8...

Nodejs web server calling requestListener twice when page is loaded

Hey guys, I am trying out node.js, the following is the example web server from the documentation with an added counter and it prints the counter to the console when ever a client/browser requests the page. The problem is, its being called twice when requested by the browser. This is what I would expect would happen: browser : Hello...

Nodejs - Redirect url

When user enter the wrong url, the node js server will redirect to 404.html page, how can I implement this on nodejs. Do some search and it points me to expressjs ( looks like a nodejs wrapper ) but I want to write in nodejs. Thanks for reading . ...