
sudo nohup nice <-- in what order?

So I have a script that I want to run as root, without hangup and nicely. What order should I put the commands in? sudo nohup nice foo.bash & or nohup nice sudo foo.bash & etc. I suspect it doesn't matter but would like some insight from those who really know. ...

How do I put an already running process under nohup

I have a process that is already running for a long time and don't want to end it. How do I put it under nohup (i.e. how do I cause it to continue running even if I close the terminal?) ...

Removal of the nohup -file during the execution

I did the following: nohup find / & rm nohup.out Oddly, the nohup -command continued to run. I awaited for a new file to be created. For my surprise there was no such file. Where did the stdout of the command go? ...

Starting background tasks with Capistrano

For my RubyOnRails-App I have to start a background job at the end of Capistrano deployment. For this, I tried the following in deploy.rb: run "nohup #{current_path}/script/runner -e production 'Scheduler.start' &", :pty => true Sometimes this works, but most of the time it does not start the process (= not listed in ps -aux). And the...

There is any way to run processes in the background?

There is any command line or .NET method that runs a process in the background hiding any window it tries to open? Already tried: var process = new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, FileName = TheRealExecutableFile...

Why do unix background processes sometimes die when I exit my shell?

I wanted to know why i am seeing a different behaviour in the background process in Bash shell Case 1: Logged in to Unix server using Putty(SSH) By default it uses csh shell I changed to bash shell typed sleep 2000 & press enter It gave me the job number. Now i killed my session by clicking the x in the putty window Now open anothe...

how to run a command in background using ssh and detach the session

I'm currently trying to ssh into a remote machine and run a script, then leave the node with the script running. Below is my script. However, when it runs, the script is successfully run on the machine but ssh session hangs. What's the problem? Thanks ahead. ssh -x $username@$node 'rm -rf statuslist mkdir statu...

How to run server script indefinitely

I would like to run an asynchronous program on a remote linux server indefinitely. This script doesn't output anything to the server itself(other than occasionally writing information to a mysql database). So far the only option I have been able to find is the nohup command: nohup script_name & From what I understand, nohup allows the...

PHP on a windows machine; Start process in background then Kill process

I'm looking for the best, or any way really to start a process from php in the background so I can kill it later in the script. Right now, I'm using: shell_exec($Command); The problem with this is it waits for the program to close. I want something that will have the same effect as nohup when I execute the shell command. This will allo...

How do I launch background jobs w/ paramiko?

Here is my scenario: I am trying to automate some tasks using Paramiko. The tasks need to be started in this order (using the notation (host, task)): (A, 1), (B, 2), (C, 2), (A,3), (B,3) -- essentially starting servers and clients for some testing in the correct order. Further, because in the tests networking may get mucked up, and becau...

nohup SBCL ubuntu couldn't read from standard input

On Ubuntu I compiled sbcl 1.0.35 with threading. I can happily use sbcl from the command line and my hunchentoot website works with threading but when I logout it's gone. When I attempt to nohup sbcl nohup ./src/runtime/sbcl --core output/sbcl.core I get (SB-IMPL::SIMPLE-STREAM-PERROR "couldn't read from ~S" # 9) I've attempted va...

Using nohup mysqldump from php script is inserting a '!' and breaking to a new line.

I'm trying to run a mysqldump from php using the nohup command to prevent the script from hanging. Here's the command (The database is mc6_erik_test, everything else is just a table list until you get to the end) exec("mysqldump -u root -pPassword -h mc6_erik_test access_log admin affiliate affiliate_2_produ...

strange messages in log file @^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^....

Hello, I have a application server for network operations written with Java based on Apache Mina. Recently I encounter a strange behavior in my log files. I noticed that the log file is full of @^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^.... characters. I mean those unexpected characters are vast amount of as such the log file gets hundreds of GB in a cou...

Why can't I use Unix Nohup with Bash For-loop?

For example this line fails: $ nohup for i in mydir/*.fasta; do ./ "$i"; done > output.txt& -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do What's the right way to do it? ...

what's the nohup on windows

I want to run a java jar file like this: java -jar spider.jar how to run it on background on windows like this on linux: nohup java -jar spider.jar > /var/tmp/spider.log 2>&1 & thanks ...

execute multiple shell commands with php nohup

Hi there! I want to execute multiple shell-commands with php's exec command. The commands have to be made sequentially and I want to start them with nohup so it can run in the background and my php-script doesn't have to wait for it to finish. Here's my script: $command1="nohup convert -trim +repage pic1.png pic2.png; convert pic2.png -...

How to open a symlink without the terminal window popping up?

How can I open a symlink without the terminal window popping up? Moreover, when I close the terminal window, the application quits as well. I tried using nohup open symlink1 without any results. I have made a symlink to the iTunes executable (the one inside the contents package, NOT the which I want to be able to open by ...

Can I execute a multiline command in Perl's backticks?

In Unix, I have a process that I want to run using nohup. However this process will at some point wait at a prompt where I have to enter yes or no for it to continue. So far, in Unix I have been doing the following nohup myprocess <<EOF y EOF So I start the process 'myprocess' using nohup and pipe in a file with 'y' then close the fil...

To discuss on demerits of nohup.out specially related to process speed or space

Will nohup.out consume space / make the server slow if a shell is allowed to run in infinite loop in server using the command: "nohup ./shell & > nohup.out" I had written a small program in shell script that will run in infinite loop, (since I don't have privilege to add my script in crontab) and the output of the same is of 4 lines whi...

How does nohup work?

Hello, What is performed behind the scenes when a program runs with nohup? Is the PID of the parent process being changed? Thanks. EDIT: I understood that nohup (and disown) causes that SIGHUP is not sent to the process if the parent process receives it. Does it mean that it is equivalent to handling SIGHUP (and actually ignore it)? ...