
Printing a file to NSImage not working right (cocoa)

This is probably a n00b question so I apologize in advance. I'm working with NSImage for the first time and basically I need to simply take a picture that is in my Resources folder, and have it display in an NSView/NSImageWell when a button is clicked. NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"tiles.PNG"]; if ( [ima...

Cocoa - problem with this code using NSBundle

It was suggested that I use this line of code to call an image from my resources folder/project bundle. I also see it being used exactly like this on many different website tutorials. NSBundle *mb=[NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString *fp=[mb pathForResource:@"topimage" ofType:@"PNG"]; NSImage *image=[NSImage initWithContentsOfFile:fp]; ...

Getting a CGIImageRef from an NSImage in Cocoa on Mac OS X

I need to get a CGIImageRef from an NSImage. Is there an easy way to do this in Cocoa for Mac OS X? ...

NSImage leaking?

So I'm trying to duplicate the SourceView example in my app. I can generate the source list perfectly, fine. I can also expand the containers, and everything is displayed fine. However, when I select an item in the list, the app crashes with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Backtrace #0 0x7fff86532340 in objc_msgSend_vtable14 #1 0x7fff8508f622 in ...

How to compress jpeg image with Cocoa?

I have an jpeg image and I want to be able to incrementally compress it using Cocoa/Core Image/Core Graphics. For example, I have A.jpg (3MB), I compress A and get B.jpg (1MB), compress B and get C.jpg (400KB), and so on till the image can't be compressed anymore. I am trying to use NSBitmapImageRep representationUsingType:properties w...

Changing an NSImage in XCode - this line of code not working

I am having a problem that is eating me alive. I really hope I am just missing something small here. It appears to be a rather "n00b" issue. I have a blank NSImageView that I want to display a picture when a button is pressed — simple as that. Here is my line of coding NSBundle *mb = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString *fp = [mb pathForRe...

How to draw a rounded NSImage

I am trying to create a NSImage or NSImageCell with rounded corners inside a NSTableView. I can't get anything to work. Here is the best I have so far inside my custom NSCell: - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView { if (thumbnailLink) { NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:thumbnailLink]; if (url) ...

How to get image data from a WebView into an NSData object?

I have a Cocoa app that embeds a WebView. The WebView loads html elements including images. I have the textual links for the images (e.g. "http://www.domain.com/path/image.jpg"), but what I want is the image data itself so I can put it in an NSData object and ship it off to Growl. The WebView must have this data since it has downloaded a...

NSImage readFromData problem

I am trying to make a simple document-based cocoa application that can save and load images in pdf files. For the save part, I am using - (NSData *)dataOfType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outError { return [imageView dataWithPDFInsideRect:[imageView bounds]]; } And this works, the image could be saved to a PDF file. Fo...

Get pixels and colours from NSImage

I have created an NSImage object, and ideally would like to determine how many of each pixels colour it contains. Is this possible? ...

Simple NSImage drawing not working as expected

This doesn't do anything: NSImage* testImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(2.0,2.0)]; [testImage lockFocus]; [[NSImage imageNamed:@"testImage"] drawAtPoint:NSMakePoint(1.0,1.0) fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeCopy fraction:1.0]; [testImage unlockFocus]; [levelView setImage:testImage]; ...but this does: [levelV...

Replacing one colour with another in an NSImage

I have an NSImage and want to replace one color in it with another (e.g. replace all the blue with a green colour) Is there an easy way to do this and if not, how could I get this functionality? ...

Draw standard NSImage inverted (white instead of black)

I'm trying to draw a standard NSImage in white instead of black. The following works fine for drawing the image in black in the current NSGraphicsContext: NSImage* image = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate]; [image drawInRect:r fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0]; I expected NSComposi...

Creating an image badge with Cocoa/OSX

I need to create an image badge in Cocoa. Basically I need to take two images one smaller then the other and overlay the smaller image over the larger image with a certain offset. Does Cocoa provide any utility to make this sort of thing easier? ...

NSImage acting weird

Why is this code setting artistImage to an image with 0 width and 0 height? NSURL *artistImageURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/252/8581581.jpg"]; NSImage *artistImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:artistImageURL]; ...

Animation of NSImage gets lost after archiving it with NSKeyedArchiver

Following situation: I have an instance of my NSObject sublcassed object. One of it's properties is a NSImage. After instanciating the object I convert it with NSKeyedArchiver to data, send it over the network, unarchive it with NSKeyedUnarchiver and display the image in a NSImageView (setAnimates: YES). Until here there are no problems...

NSImage Crop Crashing

When I try to crop an image using NSImage's imageFromRect, I get an EXEC_BAD_ACCESS crash about 50% of the time. This is something that runs on startup (triggered in an awakeFromNib), so the environment shouldn't be changing. I am not sure why it crashes one one launch and not another. When I have a breakpoint set before I crop the image...

Reduced image size in NSScrollView

I'm trying to load an image into my NSImageView/NSScrollView and display it at actual size, but the image mysteriously ends up getting displayed at about half-size. I thought at first it might be being reduced to fit into some kind of constraints of the frame etc., but soon realised this couldn't be right because if I physically enlarge ...

How to overlap (superimpose) an image over a file icon using Cocoa?

I have to make a prototype application where I superimpose a small image over the file icons of a given folder. Let's say I have a folder /MyDocuments/ and there are three files /MyDocuments/Doc1.rtf /MyDocuments/Doc1.pdf and /MyDocuments/Doc1.jpg and I have an image myicon.png, now I have to superimpose this image myicon.png over the fi...

Calculate position of NSScrollView relative to main image.

Assume I load an NSImage of dimensions 2000x2000 and display only a portion of the picture inside an NSScrollView with frame size 500x300. How can I calculate the distance between the images 0,0 origin and the views 0,0 origin (so I can determine the x,y coordinates of the view relative to the whole image)? Thanks in advance :-) ...