
Error with StringBuilder -- String Not Being Appended

Working with long strings and found this problem. Any advice? I have an instance where a string builder's Capacity is 1024 and Length is 992. I am .Append() a string that has a .Length property of 1024. After .Append() is called, the .ToString() method returns a long "\0\0\0" string. What is going on? 0.o If I create a new StringBu...

String.IsNullOrEmpty(myString) Vs myString != null

Which is better to use ? string myString = ""; String.IsNullOrEmpty(myString); or if(myString.Length > 0 || myString != null) EDIT: or if (m.Length > 0 | m != null)** Former is clearer but is there any performance difference in choosing one of above ? What if, in case a string is never empty, like if taken from a Text Box, w...