
insert null into mysql using

Is there way to insert null into mysql from an empty text field in thanks.. ...

Testing for an invalid windows handle: should I compare with 'NULL', '0' or even 'nullptr'?

I'm coming from a background whereby pointers should generally be compared with 'NULL' and integers with '0'. Since I didn't perceive Windows handles to be 'pointers' in the pure sense (being 'handles'), I'd got into the habit of comparing them with 0 rather than 'NULL'. Clearly they're implemented internally as pointers nowadays, but ...

SQL Server query with null value

In my C# code, I have to do an SQL Query like this : context.ExecuteStoreQuery("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Field0 = {0} AND Field1 = {1}", field0, field1) When field1 = null in c# and NULL in database this query doesn't work. (I have to use a different syntax with IS NULL) How can I correct this without make an if (in reality, ...

document.getElementById('id') is null javascript error

For some reason I get an document.getElementById('id') is null JS error on line 7 with the following markup and script: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Quadratic Root Finder</title> <script> document.getElementById('calculate').onclick = function calculateQuad() { ...

mysql NULL value in where in CLAUSE

how to deal with NULL value in mysql where in CLAUSE i try like SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE field IN(1,2,3,NULL) it not working only work like : SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE field IN(1,2,3) OR field IS NULL how can i get it work in WHERE IN ? it is possible ? ...

Update columns with Null values

Hi I want to update a table as followings update userloginstats set logouttime= sysdate where logouttime= null; But it did not update the columns with null values. what is wrong ...

like '%' does not accept NULL value

I have query that is build from user's inputs ( passed via htm form). It looks like (simple example): Select * From [table] Where [table].[column] like '<parameter>' This parameter may be optional so if user left corresponding input field empty I pass %. It worked fine until I encountered NULL values. I understand that '%' match symbo...

SQL Server: Why does comparison null=value return true for NOT IN?

Why does the comparison of value to null return false, except when using a NOT IN, where it returns true? Given a query to find all stackoverflow users who have a post: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM Posts) This works as expected; i get a list of all users who have a post. Now query for the inverse; find a...

Is there any physical part of memory with the address of NULL(0) ?

I know there's an old saying when you want to indicate this specific pointer doesn't point to anything it should be set to NULL(actually 0), but I'm wondering isn't there actually a physical part of memory with the address of NULL(0) ? ...

Checking whether every list in a list is null in Common Lisp

I know that I can check whether a list of lists only contains null lists like this CL-USER> (null (find-if (lambda (item) (not (null item))) my-list)) where my-list is a list of lists. For example: CL-USER> (null (find-if (lambda (item) (not (null item))) '(nil (bob) nil))) NIL CL-USER> (null (find-if (lambda (item) (not (null item)...

SQL And NULL Values in where clause

So I have a simple query that returns a listing of products SELECT Model, CategoryID FROM Products WHERE (Model = '010-00749-01') This returns 010-00749-01 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 010-00749-01 NULL Whitch is correct, so I wanted only get the products whose CategoryID is not '00000000-0000-0000-0...

Looking through an array for an empty string

An array of Strings, names, has been declared and initialized. Write the statements needed to determine whether any of the the array elements are null or refer to the empty String. Set the variable hasEmpty to true if any elements are null or empty-- otherwise set it to false. hasEmpty=false; for (int i=0;i<names.length;i++) i...

Database Table Update Error on NULL Value

Hello everyone, I have a two tables. One table is actually populated by daily events while the other is just a summary of the other table. I have a stored procedure which deletes the values stored in the Daily Table. Now every after delete, the Summary table should also be updated such that the SUM will now be updated less the value of...

rails Column cannot be null:

I noticed that my application was automatically setting all my processes to having been completed as soon as they were created. I looked through it, couldn't find why the date was being updated without being told to, but I found that one of my views was looking for a field that didn't exist. I created the 'complete' field, set it as a no...

Process.Start() returns null on own process.

I'm using Process.Start() to initialize an elevated copy of the currently running application. Unfortunately Process.Start() returns null because it thinks it's using an existing process of my application, and while there is an existing process, it doesn't specify any way of handling this kind of entry point. Is there any way in .NET (...

StringBuilder append() and null values

I have a list of Strings, and I want to concatenate them with spaces in between. So I'm using StringBuilder. Now if any of the Strings are null, they get stored in the StringBuilder literally as 'null'. Here is a small program to illustrate the issue: public static void main(String ss[]) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ...

How do I set a pointer to Null at run-time (C++)

Right now I have a pointer set to a row in my 2D array. I want that pointer to stop pointing to that row, but I will be using the pointer later for something else. I just want to know how to unset the pointer after it is initialized and has pointed to a row. double* tempRow; tempRow = (double*) malloc(size * sizeof(double)); ... te...

Why is event null not handled by delegate

When calling a delegate you always have to check if it is not null. This is an often cause for errors. Since delegates are more or less just a list of functions, I would assume, that this could have been easily checked by the delegate itself. Does anybody know, why it has been implemented as it is? ...

C++ partially filling array using null

NoobQuestion: I heard that filling a char array can be terminated early with the null char. How is this done? I've searched every single google result out there but still have come up empty handed. ...

Javascript nodeValue returns null

Title should make my problem well described.Here goes my code. <div id="adiv"><text>Some text</text></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function vb(){ alert(document.getElementById("adiv").firstChild.nodeValue); //returns null } </script> <input type="button" onclick="vb();" value="get"/> wheres the problem..? ...