
How do you make your Java application memory efficient?

How do you optimize the heap size usage of an application that has a lot (millions) of long-lived objects? (big cache, loading lots of records from a db) Use the right data type Avoid java.lang.String to represent other data types Avoid duplicated objects Use enums if the values are known in advance Use object pools String.intern() ...

Populating an object pool on JAR load

I have a core JAR that provides some functionality and hence used in lots of other apps as well - desktop apps, web apps etc. Now this core JAR maintains an object pool containing objects that are computationally expensive to create. The object pool is of fixed size and hence I create all of the objects at once and populate the pool. Wha...

C++ Lock-Free templated ObjectPool

do they exist ? *added to clarify: is there any usable library that implement lock-free (which is threadsafe and might be implement spinlock or other lightweight synchronization) ObjectPool ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_pool_pattern ) written in C++ language using template? ...

BlockingCollection(T) performance

For a while at my company we've used a home-grown ObjectPool<T> implementation that provides blocking access to its contents. It's pretty straightforward: a Queue<T>, an object to lock on, and an AutoResetEvent to signal to a "borrowing" thread when an item is added. The meat of the class is really these two methods: public T Borrow() ...