
Get Firefox mouse event on onbeforeunload when it doesn't exist???

Hi all, so the onbeforeunload event doesn't have mouse information, so how do I get mouse XY? I am trying to know if the user clicked the close buttom on the browser to log them out right away (20minutes of session is too long for resource, but, we will not shorten it to make customer angry). On IE, I can simply access mouse info to fi...

Issue with onbeforeunload event handling in firefox

Hi, The following piece of code alerts the mouse position in IE , but in Firefox and other browsers, it alerts "undefined". <body onbeforeunload="test(event);"> function test(e){ if (!e) var e = window.event; alert(e.clientX); } The above code is to get the mouse position when the browser window is closed.Please advise ho...

How to make Connect not callback when reload page in YUI?

I found this a common issue, but it seems that there is no obvious solution after googling. In my page, some user action would trigger AJAX request. With YUI 2.X, the code is like below: Connect.asyncRequest("POST", url, { 'failure' : function() { alert('failed'); }, 'success': function() { doSuccess(); }, 'scope"...

window.onbeforeunload support in Firefox

Hi guys, I am using window.onbeforeunload in my javascript. This works perfectly in IE but is not triggered in Firefox. I checked on different links in stackoverflow.... In it I read that window.onbeforeunload is not supported by firefox. Is this true? If yes, can you please tell me a different way to call app.deleteAccount(key) on cl...

how to identify onbeforeunload was caused by clicking close button

How do I determine if onbeforeunload was caused by clicking the close button or a page refresh or generally what event caused onbeforeunload? here is a snippet: window.onbeforeunload = function( e ){ if( !e ) e = window.event; // insert code to determine which is the source of the event } Please help me. ...

getting URL before unloading in IE

Can I get the updated URL before the page unloads. I'd like to check if this URL is still the URL being used by the user during a refresh.I'd like to do something before the user changes to another page. usecase: [Normal] browser address bar: www.mypage.com/page1.html user clicks reload NO popup notification display Page reloads [Abn...

Can I make SWFUpload automatically cancel its upload when navigating to a new page?

I've got a web application that allows asynchronous upload of large files using SWFUpload. But if the user tries to navigate to a different page while an upload is in progress (by clicking a link, say) the browser waits until the upload completes before it actually goes to that page. Is there some way to make navigation automatically can...


I am trying to create a customisation to our existing software, which launches on this event. I need to be able to catch the window.onbeforeunload again once the user has made their choice. I have tried wrapping the functions but can't seem to be able to overwrite the one which is loaded first. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can...

safari javascript issue

attached javascript does not work in safari. this script displays a confirmation message before navigating away from the current page. surprisingly this works for the first time in safari (but not during subsequent submit). Scenario: user makes some changes and press submit button confirmation message displayed to user user decided ...

Ajax problem in OnbeforeUnload in Chromium, Safari, and Opera

AJAX call not works on onbeforeUnload event alert box works properly on beforeunload I want clear User login session when it click on back/refresh button or redirect by changes on URL in online system. I have implemented clear server side session using JavaScript for this by calling ajax onBeforeUnload event. Instead of my expectatio...