
javascript onclick, anonymous function help

Hello everyone, I am a beginning javascript programmer. I am trying to create something similar to Lightbox 2, but much simpler. The only reason why I want to do it from scratch on my own is so that I can learn. However, I've been stuck on the last critical part where it displays the image. I believe the problem lies where I try to use o...

When using onclick-event and document.write in javascript, does it always have to open in new window.

Does it have to open in the sam Eg: function write(){ document.write("write") } input type="button" onclick="write()" value="Click" ...

How to make onclick automatically through onload function

I have a href link and I would like it to be clicked when the page is loaded. ...

jquery- how to detect element value when onclick?

how do i bring the tr value into .click event? i want to be able to pass the tr id into updatedb.php as well- for sql updating enter <head> <script src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.jeditable.mini.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(fu...

Changing Image SRC Based on SELECT

I have a select tag that is populated with a list of files each time the page loads. I would like the image to change to the selected file each time one is clicked in the select input. This is what I have right now, and it does not work properly. However, when it is clicked, the image and text are visible/hidden as they should be. Any he...

jQuery: trying hook a function to the onclick when dynamically adding a DOM element, but it immediately executes the function instead

I am using jQuery to dynamically (I mean at runtime) add a span element to my page's DOM: // create add task button $(document.createElement("span")) .attr({ id: activityNameHyphened + "-NewButton", name: activityNameHyphened + "-NewButton" }) .addClass("smallButton") .appendTo(cell1) .click(CreateTaskRow(ActivityName));...

Set border-style:none; on my anchor tags but border shows up when I click on a link - why?

As you can see from the example below, I have a black background and red links to emphasize this problem of dotted borders showing up on my links when they are clicked. I added border-style:none but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is there some other way to remove the dotted border appearing around the links when they are clicked? <...

OnClick vs OnClientClick for an asp:CheckBox?

Does anyone know why a client-side javascript handler for asp:CheckBox needs to be an OnClick="" attribute rather than an OnClientClick="" attribute, as for asp:Button? For example, this works: <asp:CheckBox runat="server" OnClick="alert(this.checked);" /> and this doesn't (no error): <asp:CheckBox runat="server" OnClientClick="ale...

How to make groupbox invisble on select of a radiobutton

Hi, I am doing an Windows Application using XAML ,WPF in C#. I have 2 radio buttons called "WriteData" and "ReadData". when writeData is selected, I need groupbox with a textbox and browse button inside it to be displayed at a particular location, (this i have already designed in UI..) <GroupBox Header="Browse Data" Name="grpBrowseDa...

Why does my jQuery click handler appear to run multiple times for some of its targets?

I apply: $(".newContentLink").click(function() { $("#test").append("1"); }); On this: <span id="contents"> <input class="newContentLink" type="submit" style="width: 100%;" value="CREATE A NEW CONTENT"/> <span id="content1" class="content study"> </span> <input class="newContentLink" type="submit" style="width: 100%;" value="CREAT...

How to add client side OnClick actions to text in ASP.NET

I'm generating a table of content in an ASP.NET page and I want to add client side OnClick actions to each cell (the action should be to set the value of a named TextBox control to the text in the clicked cell). If I could directly add stuff to the HTML output, I think I could do this with a single line of JavaScript in each cell. Given...

jQuery / JavaScript Bubbling and stopPropagation doesn't work

I'm making an edit button which pops up a modal box with a form to edit it. jQuery then sends this form to my server and I get a JSON response back. However, due to my bubbling issue, if I click on, for example, all of the edit buttons and then click on the last one and change a field, it does it across all of them. $('.edit').click(fun...

Simple Jquery Dialog but now on click

I tried making a dialog using jquery it works but I have no succes at doing it onclick bacuse it should not just popup but only when you click on it. <script type="text/javascript"> $.ui.dialog.defaults.bgiframe = true; $(function() { $("#dialog").dialog(); }); </script> and <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>hi how a...

how to make divs clikable after posting

Hi all, I'm busy to create an online agenda. I have 3 drop down menu's where you can select the year, month and week you want to see. Then with out a page refresh the div's(day's with there number for example you selected februari 2008 and you get 1 feb thuiesday ect..) are printed. Those divs must be made click able so a popup/light box...

Handling browser native click before dom:loaded

Hi, I have an issue with Cross-Browser native events vs CallBack events. I have an HTML link "Click Me" with a given href="". On dom:loaded I attach a function to this link (to do Ajax Stuff). JavaScript code is loaded at the end of the page to follow YSlow Recommandation. Issue: If you load this page really quickly (pressing F5) th...

Very Simple jQuery click through gallery

I've been looking through all the galleries and most are too complicated for my use - I need a simple way to stack nine images in a div and onClick rotate through and then cycle back to the top. Are there any good tutorials or a simple jQuery script to use for this? ...

ASP.NET Triggering server-side events with multiple arguments

Hi, I've got a rather lengthy question I'm afraid. I'm fairly new to ASP.NET so please bear with me. I have built a control for an ASP.NET page that lists a number of options. Each option has two clickable areas (call them buttons for the sake of simplicity). One to select the option and one to hide the option. protected void Page_Loa...

ASP.NET: OnServerClick event handler not called if using onclick

Hi I have a peculiar problem here and I can't by my life figure out what the solution is. Note that the following code is not dynamically created, but just immediately in my aspx file. <button type="button" runat="server" id="btnSubmit" OnServerClick="btnSubmit_Click" onclick="return confirm('Sure?');"> Submit </button> This wo...

android onclickuplistener for an imageview button?

Hey all. I'm trying to use an imageview as a button, and I want to be able to change the image whenever the button's pressed. I have an OnClickListener set, but what do I have to do about when the user's finger is no longer down, over the button? How do I revert to the original image? ...

Problems with replacing a static id with variable

I have a script that loads info from external XML file and inserts it into the HTML page on click. Here's the code of this script: var xmlhttp; function loadXMLDoc(url,target) { xmlhttp = null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for all new browsers xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // code for I...