
Need an example of a primary-key @OneToOne mapping in Hibernate

Can somebody please give me an example of a unidirectional @OneToOne primary-key mapping in Hibernate ? I've tried numerous combinations, and so far the best thing I've gotten is this : @Entity @Table(name = "paper_cheque_stop_metadata") @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(mutable = false) public class PaperChequeStopMetadata implements S...

ORM: OneToOne mapping on Non Primary-Key Join column - Book and Inventory mapped by ISBN

I have a Book model and Inventory model mapped by ISBN number, but ISBN is not the primary key in either. Books belong to Bookstores and Inventory is for a group of Bookstores(BookstoreChain). Inventory is shared by all Bookstores belonging to a BookstoreChain. I'm using Hibernate @OneToOne mapping on the book side to fetch inventory i...

How do you remove rows after changing the item in a JPA OneToOne relationship?

How do you get a OneToOne item to automatically remove with JPA/Hibernate? I would expect simply setting the OneToOne item to be null in the class that contains would be smart enough to allow Hibernate to delete it. Given a simple object, simplified: @Entity public class Container { private Item item; @OneToOne(cascade=Cascad...

JPA Entity Mapped as OneToOne as well as OneToMany

Consider the following JPA entity. My application instance class must always have a OneToOne reference to 4 special instances of Envelope but it also has a set of 0-infinite user defined envelopes. Is this even possible? Is it possible with both Unidirectional and/or Bidirectional references? @Entity(name = "Application_Instance"...

@OneToOne getting returned as ManyToOneType

I have the following POJO: public class SampleBean1 { @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid") @GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid") protected String id; @OneToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="OneToOneID") protected SampleBean1 oneToOne; @OneToMany(cascade=Casca...

hibernate OneToOne PrimaryKeyJoinColumn gives ClassCastException while saving the object

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.type.SerializableType incompatible with org.hibernate.type.EntityType at at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedId( at org.hibernate.event.def.Defau...

Django Admin: OneToOne Relation as an Inline?

I am putting together the admin for a satchmo application. Satchmo uses OneToOne relations to extend the base Product model, and I'd like to edit it all on one page. It is possible to have a OneToOne relation as an Inline? If not, what is the best way to add a few fields to a given page of my admin that will eventually be saved into the...

Is it possible to have a OneToOne relation to a class hierarchy persisted using JoinedBase?

I'd like one of my entities to have a one-to-one relationship with a class hierarchy. Think of it like a Strategy pattern, where each strategy needs different parameters to be persisted. I tried using a combination of OneToOne and JoinedBase/JoinedKey, but I've come across a problem. With this combination, the primary key of the main en...

Mapping @OneToOne with @Where clause

I am trying to map an entity as following @OneToOne(mappedBy = "localizedLabel") @JoinColumn(insertable = false, updatable = false) @WhereJoinTable(clause = "locale='en_US'") public Localization getEn_US() { return en_US; } I can assure that the data will return only one or null if the not found, but hibernate seems to ignore my @...

[hibernate - jpa] @OneToOne annotoation problem (i think...)

Hi all, im new in hibernate and JPA and i have some problems with annotations. My target is to create this table in db (PERSON_TABLE with personal-details) ID ADDRESS NAME SURNAME MUNICIPALITY_ID First of all, i have a MUNICIPALITY table in db containing all municipality of my country. I mapped this table in this ENTI...

Why hibernate perform two queries for eager load a @OneToOne bidirectional association?

Hi, i have entity A that has-a B entity, and B has-a A with @OneToOne bidirectional association. Now, when i findall A records, hibernate perform two queries with a left outer join on B, something like this: select, a.id_b, a.field1,, b.field1 from A as a, B as b left outer join b ON; select, a.id_b, a.field1...

Check if OneToOneField is None in Django

I have two models like this: class Type1Profile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, unique=True) ... class Type2Profile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, unique=True) ... I need to do something if the user has Type1 or Type2 profile: if request.user.type1profile != None: # do somethin...

Define relation between 2 tables using ActiveRecord and mvc

I am tring to define a one to one relation between 2 tables using active record. I have a table Device and a table DeviceLocation. This is the code I use in DeviceLocation to define the relation: [PrimaryKey(PrimaryKeyType.Foreign)] public int DeviceID { get { return _deviceID; } set { _deviceID =...