
Free version control services?

What free version control service would you recommend? I'm not looking for a complete project management service like Sourceforge, just something so I don't have to run a SVN/GIT server myself. ...

Online Service to Cleanup HTML Formatting

There are plenty of services online that will color-code and "prettify" your code for you - I'm not interested in that for this question. I've taken over for a previous developer who loves seperating each line of markup with 3 or 4 empty lines, along with using spaces rather than tabs for indenting. This is very opposite to how I (and I ...

What kind of Service is OpenID and Gravatar

The reason I ask is beacause I want to find other services like these two. It saved me alot of time developing my own solution. So what is the name of these kind of services? ...

Execute Scripts online

I'm searching for a website where I can test python scripts within a simple form (so I don't need to install python on my local machine). I know there is a site that can do it (also other script languages like javascript, php are supported...) but I forget the name. Anyone can help me? Thanks! ...

Any Framework to build a code checking website(like SPOJ) ?

Hi guys, My col is planning to conduct a online coding competition.. Im now looking for a framework that checkes user's code and returns the appropriate result.. Only C,C++ support is enough.. -Dinesh ...

What rendering services are available to convert URLs to images?

I know some services that encode the description of an image inside on an URL. For example: for drawing UML Diagrams: or for rendering LaTeX equations: I really like these services to use them inside my javadoc to illustrate the documentation. On it's a bit tricky to encode these U...

What online sites are available to help organize redundant error/cron emails?

I feel like I saw a site somewhere that would "dedupe" error messages commonly sent from frameworks like Django or cron errors. I cannot seem to re-find the site however. Have people heard of online tools like this that help wade through the hundreds of emails applications can possibly send at times? UPDATE: I realize this may sound l...

Try string.Format(...) formatting options online?

I was wondering if anyone knows an online service where I could quickly try out .Net's string.Format() various formatting options? I'm imagining something similar to the multitude of online Regex builders. I guess Snippet Compiler is the next best thing, but an online version would be easier to use. ...

online database storage - traffic

Hi guys i started a small business yahoo account for storing data in mysql database with the use of php scripts. the users will save text information in the mysql tables probably a user will store 100kb information in the tables. I should have more than 1000 registered users in the first month. Could anyone tell me if it is ok to use ya...