
OpenArgs is Null error

I am using the OpenArgs parameter to send a value when using DoCmd.OpenForm: `DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSetOther", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog, "value"` I then use Me.OpenArgs inside the opened form to grab the value. It sometimes sends a Null value instead of the original string. What is wrong? ...

OpenArgs Problem in Access

I have a code like this: Dim strResponses As String strResponses = Forms!frmResponses.QstnID.OpenArgs If Len(strResponses) > 0 Then Me![QstnID].DefaultValue = Me.OpenArgs End If When I run it, its gives error 438. Can someone help me to know where the error is? ...

MS Access 2007 - OpenArgs not passing the value to next form???

So I pass the ID value from one form to the next using Docmd.OpenForm "SecondForm",,,,,, MainID Docmd.Close AcForm, "FirstForm", acSaveYes and then I check the value on the Second Form's load event: MainID = val(Me.OpenArgs) and when I debug and step through I hover over this and can see it contains a value Then I have a button cl...