
Getting Email From Google Account Using Open ID

My dears friend i´m try to get the email from google user that sign in with the OpenId but i can´t. I Have that code public ActionResult Google(FormCollection fc) { var openid = new OpenIdRelyingParty(); IAuthenticationResponse response = openid.GetResponse(); switch (response.Status) { ...

OpenID Provider Question: How do I specify an identity different from the end user's claimed-id

I am using the JanRain library, and implementing code very similar to their server example (essentially creating my own openid provider). I have it working, but when I try to return an identity different from the one specified to the consumer, I get the following error: Request was for, cannot reply with identity ...

Setting up a OpenID provider for testing

I'm developing a site that uses OpenID for authentication, which is working fine however... I often work on it while travelling without an internet connection. If the session expires and I need to login again, I can't until I have connectivity again. What I'd like to do is setup a really dumb OpenID provider on a local IIS, that I can ...

OpenID implementation like StackOverFlow

I'm looking to implement OpenID the same way that StackOverFlow uses it. I've looked through a few APIs and I've scouted out JanRain but I'm not sure these do what I'm looking for. Has anyone duplicated the login functionality available here? ...

Decent Clickpass alternative?

I wanted to use Clickpass in an webapp that I've been developing, as I like the idea of a simpler way of handling OpenID. However, when I peeked at the developer documentation, I got this: "Clickpass is being reworked. Please, don't develop against the current Clickpass implementation." Are there any decent alternatives to Clickp...