I notices when i go to some sites (include Stackoverflow) by Firefox a little blue circle shows I can add the site to my Search providers .
so wanted to know how can add this feature to my MVC project .
I Heared an XML file should be added ...
Is there a way to write an open search plugin to encode a space character into %20 instead of into + character? I.e. the lala plugin -- http://mycroft.mozdev.org/search-engines.html?name=lala -- contains the following line:
<os:Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="http://www.lala.com/#search/{searchTerms}">
Searching for Tom...
i would like to add OpenSearch to my C# webapplication.
does someone recommend a certain .net library? or does a custom webapplication require a tailormade opensearch implementation?
I made a custom Firefox search engine. It used the code below. Is it possible for me to track the use of this on the site. My concern is that searches form the firefox search engine will look like direct visits in google analytics. I would like to tag the searches or some other solution. I kinda hacked this together i.e. a newbie at this...
If I start typing stackov.. in Chrome I can see something like 'Press Tab to search
SO is basically recognized as a Search Engine.
Do you have any idea of how to implement the same sort of feature in our WebApp?
I think it should be related with OpenSearch
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescriptio...
i use open-search server(http://www.open-search-server.com/) for indexing and searching. i am having problem in highlighting in other languages like hindi or example i searched for "हिन्दी" and it returned like
"...ษาไทย ...Tagalog...Türkçe...Українська...Ελληνικά...עברית...हिन्दी...اردو...Tiếng Việt...中文(简体)...中文(繁體)...日本語...한국어..."
Does anyone know how to return the Lucene result in RSS or Atom feed?
I understand that's the step necessary to return results via OpenSearch.
Thanks much
Is there any difference between
<totalResults xmlns="opensearch">1000</totalResults>
I'm using the SyndicationFeed class in .NET to generate an Atom feed, and I need to add some elements for the opensearch standard, but it keeps adding elements like the latter one above w...
When I started using Bing, there was a link just below the Firefox search bar which said Add Bing to Search Box and when I clicked it, it asked me for a confirmation and also if I wanted to use it right away. How is this functionality achieved? I don't want users of my site to go discover it from the highlighted searchbox and say "add bl...
I have a Google Custom Search Engine on our site and I have recently implemented the opensearch XML file so that I can add our site's search in the browsers' search box.
Any idea how I can add the autocomplete / suggestion feature to the browsers' search box?
I'm trying to install django-lean into my application.
Open search is used in my app App.
I can reverse('opensearch') in the Python shell. However, in the test, reverse('opensearch') * NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'opensearch' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments
In [47]: reverse('opensearch')
Out[47]: '/opensearch.xml'
In [48]:...
How should we use REST to access multidimensional data in an efficient way? The choices seem to be hi-REST, lo-REST, or OpenSearch (which seems like a specialization of lo-REST).