
calling a stored proc over a dblink

I am trying to call a stored procedure over a database link. The code looks something like this: declare symbol_cursor package_name.record_cursor; symbol_record package_name.record_name; begin symbol_cursor := package_name.function_name('argument'); loop fetch symbol_cursor into symbol_record; exit w...

.Net Oracle ORA-24338 'statement handle not executed' error and some error in one stored Procedure

Hi, I have the following Stored Procedures create or replace PROCEDURE WEB_AC ( v_iDocid IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL , v_valor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , v_campo IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , v_error OUT NUMBER ) AS v_campoid NUMBER(5,0); v_tipodato VARCHAR2(50); v_DOCTYPE NUMBER; v_tabla VARCHAR2(50); v_procedure VARCHAR2(70); BEGIN...

Getting a ResultSet/RefCursor over a database link

From the answers to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1122175/calling-a-stored-proc-over-a-dblink it seems that it is not possible to call a stored procedure and get the ResultSet/RefCursor back if you are making the SP call across a remote DB link. We are also using Oracle 10g. We can successfully get single value results across the l...