
Oracle query using 'like' on indexed number column, poor performance.

On Query 1 a full table scan is being performed even though the id is an indexed column. Query 2 achieves the same result but much faster. If Query 1 is run returning an indexed column then it returns quickly but if non-indexed columns are returned or the entire row is then the query takes longer. In Query 3 it runs fast but the column...

Problem running SSIS with ORACLE Data Source problem in Windows 64 bit

I've managed to connect my SQL Server 2005 in Windows 64 bit server with ORACLE database. (Thanks to Mr. Jeyong Park : The problem is : In SSIS when I used Oracle as a OLE DB Data Source and previewed the data, it works, however, when I run the...

Oracle Stored Procedure

Hi, I want to run the stored procedure script, but I am facing the problem that, when I run multiple stored procedures at one time, all procedures gets compiled but it does not create all those procedures separately, it compile it as a single procedure. Can anyone help me out to solve this prolem. ...


Hi All, I want to call report (10g) in forms(10g) by using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT. But I am not able to so it as I am not aware how to set report server in my system. I am getting error like server not installed.I tried server -install in oraclehome/bin. But not able not find any solution. Please help me on this. Thanks Jeevan Teja ...

SQL Join With an 'Unless' clause

I'm not quite sure what this is called, but I've spent some time thinking about it and I'm not sure how to approach it. I'm sure it's really simple. I have two tables, foo and bar. They're related like this: Foo Table: | id | name -------------- | 1 | blah | 2 | blarg | 3 | blag Bar Table (the meaning of baz is irrelevant)...

netbeans 6.5.1 reverse engine Oracle entity

i reverse engined entity class but the primary key is not anottaed with GeneratedValue . my table is created on oracle. do i need to add contraint on the table primary key for auto increment? rightn ow i manually edit the entity and add generatedValue . looking for better solution . i think when reverse engine, it suppose to generate...

What are Oracle DB name and SID

Hi, I am new to Oracle and confused by the two terms? Could any body give elaboration on those? Thanks. ...

Oracle connection problem with Toad

Hi all: I created a new user - CK - with Toad on 10g XE. An error popup when I use CK to login: ORA-01045: user CK lack create session privilege. What privilege do I should give to CK? BTW: but I can use SqlPlus to login ...

Splitting data in one column and updating new column with split data

Hello all, I'm working on Oracle 10g.One of the column's of my table stores data, as sampled below. 1722999340KK000200000 1444210829AB1001EX003 1444300000CD0148EX003 1722999340KL000200000 I want to split the data in the ratio of digits ( 4 ; 6; 6; 5) as shown below and store it in different columns ( A1 || A2 || A 3 |...

Oracle REPLACE function - unsure how to use for my scenario

Hi, I have a column called THE_VALUE in a table TABLE_A, that holds data similar to the following, i.e a few sample rows might be: tom:harry, sally, jeff state(vic,nsw), england, qwerty(aaa,bbb, cccc):qaz What I need to do to update this column using Oracle 10g sql and replace all commas, except the ones within the brackets with a co...

NHibernate: Support for Char Columns in Oracle

I am using NHibernate against a legacy database which uses Char column types (fixed Strings). I am mapping the char columns to strings in properties. Currently my criteria queries are failing if the value against which i am querying is not padded with spaces such that the length of the string is equal to the char column length. I dont wa...

listagg using when overflow of varchar2 occures - what to do?

Could somebody advice what to do when using listagg leads to varchar2 overflow because of lots of aggregated strings (during aggregation in SQL query via Group etc.) in One field? I use report (It just ONE SQL query) where I aggregate Phone Codes by ZoneName (Country etc.) and some of them have tons of codes for one Zone - so I could ge...

PL/SQL - Optional conditions in where-clause - without dynamic sql?

I have a query where not all conditions are necessary. Here's an example of what it looks like when all conditions are used: select num from (select distinct q.num from cqqv q where q.bcode = '1234567' --this is variable and = 'AXCT' --this is variable and q.type = 'privt' --this is variable ...

Python using PRE-FETCH on Oracle 10

import cx_Oracle import wx print "Start..." + str(wx.Now()) base = cx_Oracle.makedsn('xxx', port, 'yyyy') connection = cx_Oracle.connect(user name, password, base) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('select data from t_table') li_row = cursor.fetchall() data = [] for row in li_row: data.append(row[0]) cursor.close(...

Oracle: LONG RAW to ?

I am writing a program in java where I need to create a copy of a table (without data). for that I am using the following query CREATE TABLE NEW_TABLE AS SELECT * FROM OLD_TABLE I have come across a table where one of the columns has the data type LONG RAW which is depricated. I tried using the query below but it did not work. (ORA-0...

Converting Oracle Forms to Apex - Is it worth considering the Apex Forms migration tool?

Friends, I am looking at migrating a Oracle Forms (10g) application to APEX (3.2.1) and looking at options that would enable me to get to a stage where I can obtain a "first cut" of the Oracle Form within APEX. Having got to grips with the Forms migration tool by reading this guide as well as this appendix and converted a couple of...

Difficulty implementing REGEXP_SUBSTR

Hello all, I'm running SQL queries on Oracle 10g. I have two tables ( sample data provided below ). i'm trying to extract some fields from Table t2 and update the empty columns in table t1. I'm encountering the following error: ORA 01722: Invalid Number ( pointing to *REGEXP_SUBSTR* ) I understand this is because of non - numeric dat...

how to uninstall oracle 10g ? i dont see any uninstall tool for this

hi i want to uninstall oracle 10g (on windows 7) but i dont see any uninstall tool thank's in advance ...

Oracle Hierarchical Query

Using Oracle 10g. I have two tables: User Parent ------------- 1 (null) 2 1 3 1 4 3 Permission User_ID ------------------- A 1 B 3 The values in the permissions table get inherited down to the children. I would like to write a single query that could return me something like this: User P...

How to associate a service (SID) to a New database in oracle 10g?

Hi i am new to Database administration, I have created one new user,and want to associate a new service (SID) to that new Database(user). Can anyone tell me how can i achieve this?. Thanks you. ...