
Tool to let me draw on the screen or otherwise mark up open windows?

How often do you find yourself in this situation? You're deep into debugging something complex that involves a lot of very different moving parts. Your brain is splattered all over your screens. Many windows are open - some tiny notepads with bits of copy pasted debug gunk, editors of different kinds for scripts or other code, a diff to...

Kiln Projects, repositories and repository groups best practices?

I'm very new to Kiln and FogBugz (just started today). I'm currently using SVN + ScrewTurnWiki + BugNet to do all this things (... yes I know, frustrating ehh?). My question goes around the lines of best practices for organizing products into Projects/Repositories/RepositoryGroups. My products have multiple VS projects and assets. In m...

How to share code between multiple GWT eclipse projects?

I would like to have multiple GWT projects that share common code. Is this possible? AFAICT my GWT projects need to each have their own directory, with source directly underneath, which seems to preclude code-sharing. I tried using linked folders, but GWT didn't seem to like that (described here). If I want to do this, is my only cho...

How to organize business logic (domain model)

Let's say you have good separation of concerns for a given application such that you have all of your business logic in a single project (let's call it MyApp.Core) and that project has no explicit dependencies on other projects. The repository implementations are in MyApp.Infrastructure and the presentation is in MyApp.UI. Unit tests a...

How do you organize your business requirements and tests?

as of right now i'm working at place where's there's a lot of legacy codes and pretty much no useful documentation. and most of the time we just treat business requirements as whatever that is already implemented previously. i'm looking for any tools or useful method to keep all the requirements for future use and for regression testin...

Rails: Where do you put non-model code?

I'm new to Rails, and have been learning with Rails 3 on a side project. There are times when I want to write some code that does not belong in my models or in my controllers - concerns that are related to a model and/or controller, but i don't want to clutter up either of them with the implementation details of what i am writing. For e...

How the Work Breakdown Structure could be used to develop an Organizational Structure

How the Work Breakdown Structure could be used to develop an Organizational Structure? ...

How to organize "projects" and "solutions" in Eclipse?

I've been told that an Eclipse workspace is the equivalent of a Visual Studio solution. But I've also been told that people commonly use a single workspace for all their work. Are these apparently conflicting statements correct? If yes, how do we then create and maintain the equivalent of multiple VS solutions in Eclipse? Secondly, in t...

How to organize patch files? Many files or a single one?

What is the best way to organize the patch files? Imagine you have a patch file for an open source application and you modify it and want to keep the modifications in a patch. What is the best solution: add the new modifications to the other patch in order to have a single big patch file or create the second patch file and have a bunch ...

How to easily link a document with others

Hi, let's say that in order for me to make clear how my program works or even for the own sake of documentation I am writing some text document in word or whatever text editor or online wit google docs, etc. Let's say that at some part of the document I open a new one and extend there the idea. Then later, I go back to the "master" docu...

Using classes to organize code?

At the moment my Form1 code is extremely heavy, mainly full of menu and control events. One thing I would like to do is organize it in some way, so I could expand or collapse "related code" (in Visual Studio). My first attempt at this was to put code relating to the main menu, for example, inside a nested class called "MainMenu", which ...

What is the right way to structure a large multi-application codebase in SVN

We've currently got a single repo with codesion,, with a single SVN project, which contains a few subdirs for individual Visual C++ solutions This all started as one application and though we did split off separate library projects for future re-use, it's still all the sa...

How do you respond to the argument "No time to test/develop clean code, because of the deadline"?

Ok, I think this question is at the wrong place and I'll head over to to read/ask about it. Thanks all for your answers up to this point. :) apologies ;) I'm sorry if this question is a little bit subjective, but I can not come up with a better title. I'll correct it if you know something better. ...

How do I organize .NET solutions, projects, and system folders for multiple applications?

We are having a lot of trouble organizing our solutions in a good way. We have multiple applications. They are similar applications so a lot of reuse is done. Different apps include different capability depending on what our different customers will pay for. So, how do we go about organizing things? MSDN says to organize in the foll...

Git Repo Structure for Capistrano recipes and other Misc things

My problem is that I have a bunch of different capistrano recipes and code snippets that I use across multiple projects. My local file structure is a folder called helper-snibbits with folders under that called ./capistrano, ./php-bits, and .py-bits I can track each snippet individually with a repo but that becomes hard to manage on the...

Problems organizing/creating classes for Game of Nim

This particular variant of Nim involves: Two players alternately take marbles from a pile. In each move, a player chooses how many marbles to take. The player must take at least one but at most half of the marbles. Then the other player takes a turn. The player who takes the last marbles loses. I need to: - Write a program in which a hum...