
How a servlet can get the absolute path to a file outside of the servlet?

We have been using System.getProperties("user.dir") to get the location of a properties file. Now that it has been deployed on Tomcat(via servlet), the System call is giving the location as tomcat and not at the location at where the properties file exist. How can we call the the properties file dynamically? Given: Tomcat is not t...

OS detecting makefile

I routinely work on several different computers and several different operating systems, which are Mac OS X, Linux, or Solaris. For the project I'm working on, I pull my code from a remote git repository. I like to be able to work on my projects regardless of which terminal I'm at. So far, I've found ways to get around the OS changes by...

Is there an OS independent way to poll TOTAL and/or USED video memory?

I'm looking for a way to poll for total video memory on board a graphics cars / integrated chipset. I'm aware of WMI assisted polling under Windows, and as far as I understand that information is constructed on every boot by WMI. However, being an optimist, I am looking for a possible OS independent way to poll for total video memory a...

Operating system independent image adressing

Due to using both Windows and Ubuntu on my computer I'd like to be able to create documents independently. I have one directory for logos and I want to use them in any documents everywhere. The problem with different file adressing I solved with those commands: \newcommand{\winlogo}{D:/logo/} \newcommand{\linlogo}{/media/DATA/logo/} ...

Command line batch image cropping tool

is there any lightweight command line batch image cropping tool(Linux or Windows) which can handle a variety of the formats ? ...

Highly efficient filesystem APIs for certain kinds of operations

I occasionally find myself needing certain filesystem APIs which could be implemented very efficiently if supported by the filesystem, but I've never heard of them. For example: Truncate file from the beginning, on an allocation unit boundary Split file into two on an allocation unit boundary Insert or remove a chunk from the middle of...

How can Makefile print itself?

It does not print itself. $ cat Makefile files := $(foreach dir,.,$(wildcard $(dir)/*)) all: cat $(files) $ make cat a a b b ^C% $ ls -lsa . total 20 4 drwxr-xr-x 3 tester tester 512 Oct 20 15:01 . 4 drwxr-xr-x 3 tester tester 512 Oct 20 14:19 .. 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 tester tester 69 Oct 20 15:01 Makefile $ cat ./* file...