
Linq to Entity with multiple left outer joins

Hi, I am trying to understand left outer joins in LINQ to Entity. For example I have the following 3 tables: Company, CompanyProduct, Product The CompanyProduct is linked to its two parent tables, Company and Product. I want to return all of the Company records and the associated CompanyProduct whether the CompanyProduct exists or no...

How to get Words length and height, when drawing the images on a canvas in GDI+

I draw a string on a canvas, using GDI+ in C++. Is there any API to get the out layer (width, height ) of a string in a certain font? Thanks very much! Many thanks to Windows programmer's solution. I wrote the following code. Bitmap bitmap(1000,1000); Graphics graphics(&bitmap); RectF rec; RectF useless; graphics.MeasureString(m_sW...

How to implement outer join expression tree?

I need to implement the query using expressions syntax (because I don't know types in compile time). For example query like this one: from customer in Customers join purchase in Purchases on customer.ID equals purchase.CustomerID into outerJoin from range in outerJoin.DefaultIfEmpty() where customer.Name == "SomeName" && range.Desc...

Good object structure for results of my Hibernate left outer join

I need to make an outer join query that retrieves all of the definitions and any properties they have associated with them that are associated with a certain company. I have two Hibernate models objects: class PropertyDefinition { @Id private Long id; @Column private String name; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "propert...

Hibernate default joining for nullable many-to-one

Hi all, I have a hibernate mapping like this in a ProductDfn class @ManyToOne( fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = true ) @JoinColumn( name = "productTypeFk", nullable = true ) public ProductType getProductType() { return productType; } Note that the relationship is defined as optional (and the column is nullable). When doing HQL...

Left Joins that link to multiple rows only returning one

I'm trying to join two table (call them table1 and table2) but only return 1 entry for each match. In table2, there is a column called 'current' that is either 'y', 'n', or 'null'. I have left joined the two tables and put a where clause to get me the 'y' and 'null' instances, those are easy. I need help to get the rows that join to r...

Problem with Full Outer Join not working as expected.

I have a query to subtract current balance from one table with previous balance from another history table. When a particular product has no current balance but has previous balance, I am able to subtract it correctly...in this case it will be like 0 - 100. However, when the product has current balance but no previous balance, I am unab...

'this' keyword refers to what object within an a function inside another function?

Hi, Basically I am trying to understand and learn the 'this' keyword's working principle in JavaScript. As far as I understand 'this' refers to the object (function) that it is inside at that moment. So, by believing this, I wanted to test the output of the simple code below: <body> <input type="button" value="Add Age" onclick="Ou...

Replace returned null values in LEFT OUTER JOIN

SELECT WO_BreakerRail.ID, indRailType.RailType, indRailType.RailCode, WO_BreakerRail.CreatedPieces, WO_BreakerRail.OutsideSource, WO_BreakerRail.Charged, WO_BreakerRail.Rejected, WO_BreakerRail.RejectedToCrop, WO_BreakerRail.Date FROM indRailType LEFT OUTER JOIN WO_BreakerRail ON indRailType.Rai...

How do I join these queries?

query1: SELECT category.id, category.name, category.level, category.description, category.cat1, category.cat2, category.cat3, category.cat4, category.pri_color, category.sec_color, category.last_report AS report_id FROM category, reports_category_layout WHERE category.id = reports_category_layout.catID AND reports_category_layout.site_...

Multiple left joins, how to output in php

I have 3 tables I need to join. The contracts table is the main table, the 'jobs' and 'companies' table are extra info that can be associated to the contracts table. so, since I want all entries from my 'contracts' table, and the 'jobs' and 'companies' data only if it exists, I wrote the query like this.... $sql = "SELECT * FROM contr...

(self,left outer,right outer,full outer) join - real world examples

can you tell me simple real-world examples for (self,left outer,right outer,full outer) join? ...

Left Outer Join Result Issue Using Linq to Sql

We have the following query to give us a left outer join: (from t0 in context.accounts join t1 in context.addresses on new { New_AccountCode = t0.new_accountcode, New_SourceSystem = t0.new_sourcesystem, New_Mailing = t0.new_MailingAddressString } equals new { New_AccountCode = t1.new_AccountCode,...

C# Outer Apply in LINQ

How can I achieve Outer Apply in LINQ? I'm having a bit of a problem. Here's the SQL Query I'm using. SELECT u.masterID ,u.user ,h.created FROM dbo.Users u OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM UserHistory h where h.masterID = u.masterID ORDER BY created DESC) h ...

2 Right Outer Join in SQL Statement

Hi, I have an issue in understanding a very simple yet interesting query concerning 2 right outer joins with 'non-sequential' on-expressions. Here is the query: select * from C right outer join A on A.F1 = C.F1 right outer join B on B.F1 = C.F1; Here are the tables: create table A ( F1 varchar(200)); create table B ( F1 varchar(...

C#: Reflection: Get class object is created in

I am looking on how to get the object (or object type) that another object is created in. For example: public class RootClass { public class A { public void MethodFromA() { } } public class B { public A A_object = new A(); public void MethodFromB() { } } B BObject = ...

Access 2K SQL OUTER JOIN using Derived Tables (i.e. subselect/subquery)

First, I am a noob, just trying to learn some Access/VBA/SQL, but I have been stumped by this issue. Shown below are the (9) tbl JOIN relations. This lists X records for each game_ID (X = number of players in game). I only want one record per game_ID where [game_players.player_ID] is a selected/special player (say, HERO ) [game_playe...

Jquery: animate .outerWidth()?

When animating a width toggle, it's not animating the padding, so i looked into .outerWidth() but i'm not exactly sure how to implement this... $('#shareheart').click(function(){ $('.share-text').animate({outerWidth: 'toggle'}, 2000) }) ...