
AspectJ vs. toString()

public pointcut myToString() : within(mypackage.*) String around(): myToString(){ System.out.println("myToString"); return proceed(); } It works only if I override toString in class Im trying to weave, is there any way to make it work on all toString methods? ...

How to override a method in dojox _Scroller class?

Hi there, How do I override a method in dojox.grid._Scroller class from a class extending dojox.grid.DataGrid. dojox.grid.DataGrid extends dojox.grid._Grid, which requires dojox.grid._Scroller. The method of interest here is: getScrollBottom(inTop). Thanks in advance! David ...

Overridable methods in constructors with InitMembers()

I have carried the method here on almost all of the areas where I have had overridable methods and managed to fix them but there is one part where the method doesnt work in the same way on a different contexted piece of code: public Employee() { this.InitMembers(); } private void InitMembers() { // I...

Flash AS3 - Can I prevent my shared object from saving on the .swf close?

I have a program with a save feature - the user clicks a button, and everything is saved to a local Shared Object with the flush(); command. My problem is that Flash .swf files automatically save to the local Shared Object when the movie is closed, overwriting their previous, manual save. Is there anyway to prevent flash from saving to...

Python: extending int and MRO for __init__

In Python, I'm trying to extend the builtin 'int' type. In doing so I want to pass in some keywoard arguments to the constructor, so I do this: class C(int): def __init__(self, val, **kwargs): super(C, self).__init__(val) # Do something with kwargs here... However while calling C(3) works fine, C(3, a=4) gives: ...

Overrriding HitTestCore method for detecting multiple controls in WPF

Hi guys, I am creating a custom control which does hit testing on its children. I'm planning on overriding the HitTestCore method to return multiple controls which fall inside or intersects with a Geometric region. Just wondering if anyone else has tried this. Do you have any pointers for me? Or is there another way which I can do this ...

Java: How to avoid deprecated warning in derived interfaces which override deprecated members?

Consider the following simplified interface inheritence hierarchy: // Starting point: public interface Base { void Foo(); } public interface Derived extends Base { } It is intended to move the Foo method from the Base interface to the Derived interface: // Desired end-point: public interface Base { } public interface Derived ex...

Is it necessary to override == and != operators when overriding the Equals method? (.NET)

Or it's advisable to do that? Why? ...

override classes variable, or at least variable type in objective-c / cocoa

My dilemma is as follows: I have a custom subclass of UIImage (I've added some serialization methods i.e. initWithCoder, encodeWithCoder), and I would like to apply my custom subclass as a variable to a UIImageView, or at least a subclass of UIImageView. As you are aware, UIImageView has a variable called "image", that is of type UII...

Overriding / modifying C++ classes using DLLs

I have a project with a large codebase (>200,000 lines of code) I maintain ("The core"). Currently, this core has a scripting engine that consists of hooks and a script manager class that calls all hooked functions (that registered via DLL) as they occur. To be quite honest I don't know how exactly it works, since the core is mostly und...

What does Virtual and Override do behind the scene

I just came to understand Virtual and Override is use for(I can't find a use for so long). Now I'm using them in Factory Patterns. So my question is what does Virtual and Override do behind the scene? I'm willing to go in to IL and Machine code stuff. ...

Globally override malloc in visual c++

Hi! I'm trying to figure out a way to globally override malloc and related functions in visual c++ (2005). My setup is a dll with statically linked runtime library that consists of both my own c++ code, external c++ and c code. What I want to accomplish is to allow a user of the dll to set their own implementations of the memory allocat...

Stackoverflow exception thrown from overridden property from abstract base class

Hi all, I have a base class with the following (trimmed for brevity) declaration: public abstract class MyBaseClass { public int RecordId { get; private set; } public string ObjectName { get; set; } public abstract string Status { get; set; } public GetMyObject(int id) { MyObject myObject = context.GetObjectById(id)...

How to Implement a Base Class with a Method and yet force the Derived Class to Override it?

Having something like this this : public abstract class AAA { protected abstract virtual string ToString() // Error { // Base Stuff } } public abstract class BBB : AAA { public override string ToString() { // Use base.ToString(); // More Stuff } } I read another post (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6133...

Generic return types from abstract/virtual methods.

I have a relationship between two base classes: public abstract class RecruiterBase<T> { // Properties declare here // Constructors declared here public abstract IQueryable<T> GetCandidates(); } public abstract class CandidateBase<T> { // Properties declare here // Constructors declared here } And their concrete implementa...

Overriding ToString() of List<MyClass>

Hello. I have a class MyClass, and I would like to override the method ToString() of instances of List: class MyClass { public string Property1 { get; set; } public int Property2 { get; set; } /* ... */ public override string ToString() { return Property1.ToString() + "-" + Property2.ToString(); } } I w...

Confusing "override a private method"

I have two question on this code public class Override { private void f() { System.out.println("private f()"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Override po = new Derived(); po.f(); } } class Derived extends Override { public void f() { System.out.println("public f()"); } } /* * Ou...

Override java.awt.Button

Hi, I am trying to override default java Button behavior and trying to add additional label to a button. I am new to java GUI and thought that overriding paint method will solve my problem, but when I do that and draw additional label in Button paint method it looks fine, but my label disappears if I click on that button in my applicati...

Java override explanation

Here is my code class Glyph { void draw() { System.out.println("Glyph.draw()"); } Glyph(int i) { System.out.println("Glyph() before draw()"); draw(); System.out.println("Glyph() after draw()"); } } class RoundGlyph extends Glyph { private int radius = 1; RoundGlyph(int r) { super(r); radius =...

Overriding std functions

I'd like to override the behavior of an std function, say std::time. Is it possible to call std::time and have it routed through my custom function? ...