
Creating metapackage using the packagemaker command

I want to create a metapackage using the packagemaker command on the bash shell. The metapackage will consist of an installer package, localizable resources, script and some descriptors to be installed at ./Library/Application Support. I just want to know the appropriate command. ...

How do you include a preinstall script in an installer built via the packagemaker shell command?

I'm creating an installer via the packagemaker command as part of a script. I create the folder hierarchy in stagedRootPath and then use the --root parameter to build the installer. The problem is that I want to install things in the installing user's home directory, which I don't know when I build the installer. I doubt you can have som...

Why is the packagemaker command chown'ing all my installed files to root?

For some reason, when I run the my installer it sets each file's owner to root group to wheel, and permissions mask to 700. I have checked that the permissions and owner of the files in files (which I build the installer from via the --root parameter) are set to the current user and 755. I also tried adding the --no-recommend flag, but ...

Mac OSX PackageMaker: how to install multiple packages and post-processing

I find myself in a unique scenario -- it has to be, because no searching I do seems to turn up any answers. But maybe there's a MacOS X guru out there that can answer this for me? I'm using PackageMaker to create an install process for my company's application. It's a cross-platform app and my home base is Linux and Windows, so please...