
Spawning multiple SQL tasks in SQL Server 2005

I have a number of stored procs which I would like to all run simultaneously on the server. Ideally all on the server without reliance on connections to an external client. What options are there to launch all these and have them run simultaneously (I don't even need to wait until all the processes are done to do additional work)? I h...

How can parallelism affect number of results?

I have a fairly complex query that looks something like this: create table Items(SomeOtherTableID int,SomeField int) create table SomeOtherTable(Id int,GroupID int) with cte1 as ( select SomeOtherTableID,COUNT(*) SubItemCount from Items t where t.SomeField is not null group by SomeOtherTableID ),cte2 as ( select t...

Example of a parallel acceleration anomaly

What is an example of a parallel acceleration anomaly? ie. A task that when run over p processors, results in a speedup greater than p. ...

SQL Server & update (or insert) parallelism

Dear Boffins I got a large conversion job- 299Gb of JPEG images, already in the database, into thumbnail equivalents for reporting and bandwidth purposes. I've written a thread safe SQLCLR function to do the business of re-sampling the images, lovely job. Problem is, when I execute it in an UPDATE statement (from the PhotoData field ...

Grand Central Dispatch versus Cilk++

Anybody have any thoughts on Grand Central Dispatch (which has now been open-sourced by Apple) and Cilk++? Comparisons/contrasts? Is Cilk more Windows-only? ...

Can queries that read table variables generate parallel exection plans in SQL Server 2008?

First, from BOL: Queries that modify table variables do not generate parallel query execution plans. Performance can be affected when very large table variables, or table variables in complex queries, are modified. In these situations, consider using temporary tables instead. For more information, see CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL). Que...

Highly concurrent multi-threaded application requires hardware.

I am looking for a hardware, which must run about 256 computationally intensive real-time concurrent tasks in 24 hour mode (one multi-threaded C application). Each task takes about 40-50 MFLOPs, so all tasks require about 10 GFLOPs. CPU-RAM speed is insignificant. All tasks must be managed by a Linux Kernel (32 bit, with SMP). I am look...

Is opening too many threads in an application bad?

I have a C# winform application. it has many forms with different functionalities. These forms wrap to a WCF service. for example form1 calls serviceMethod1 continuously and updates the results form2 calls serviceMethod2 continuously and updates the results The calls are made in a different thread per each form, but this is ending up...

Concurrent system modeling tools

I'm currently taking a course in concurrent software design, and we're focusing a lot on modeling. I see the value in this, but I am not sure if the tool we are using is horrible, good, or somewhere in between, because I can't find any other examples. We're currently using LTS Analyzer, with some more information here. So my questio...

In Solr, How to query against one field for distinct set of values in a multi-valued field

I basically want Solr to search each record of the multivalued field for my search parameter.. read on for my example: I am using Solr to index my data. I have application data in parallel arrays (in the form of multi-valued fields) that match a given product. See the following example, where make, model, and year are multivalued fields...

how to run a javascript function asynchronously, without using setTimeout?

its a server side Javascript (rhino engine), so setTimeout is not available. how to run a function asynchronously? ...

Faking a Single Address Space

I have a large scientific computing task that parallelizes very well with SMP, but at too fine grained a level to be easily parallelized via explicit message passing. I'd like to parallelize it across address spaces and physical machines. Is it feasible to create a scheduler that would parallelize already multithreaded code across mult...

Data parallel libraries in C/C++

I have a C# prototype that is heavily data parallel, and I've had extremely successful order of magnitude speed ups using the Parallel.For construct in .NETv4. Now I need to write the program in native code, and I'm wondering what my options are. I would prefer something somewhat portable across various operating systems and compilers, b...

What about parallelism across network using multiple PCs?

Parallel computing is used more and more, and new framework features and shortcuts make it easier to use (for example Parallel extensions which are directly available in .NET 4). Now what about the parallelism across network? I mean, an abstraction of everything related to communications, creation of processes on remote machines, etc. S...

Unit testing concurrent software - what do you do?

As software gets more and more concurrent, how do you handle testing the core behaviour of the type with your unit tests (not the parallel behaviour, just the core behaviour)? In the good old days, you had a type, you called it, and you checked either what it returned and/or what other things it called. Nowadays, you call a method and ...

Thread.Abort and alternatives

This is more out of personal curiosity/interest than a specific problem I'm trying to solve. Suppose you have a program that is performing some operation on user-supplied information (such as a search string) that changes as the user types it. Suppose that you want to show the user the most relevant information for what they've typed at...

Java GC Threading Bottleneck in Practice?

How well optimized is Java's parallel collecting GC for multithreaded environments? I've written some multithreaded Jython code that spends most of its time calling Java libraries. Depending on which options I run the program with, the library calls either do tons of allocations under the hood or virtually none. When I use the options...

Demonstrating instruction level parallelism at work

I'm trying to show instruction level parallelism at work. What I was originally doing was using python (willing to change) and doing the following: def test(): for i in range(5000): j = 0 k = 0 l = 0 def test2(): for i in range(5000): j = i * i k = j * 2 l = k * i if __name__=='_...

Parallelism with .NET 4.0 in a desktop sqlite single thread application?

Where do you see operation scenarios for parallelism/multi-threading/PLINQ etc for a single threaded WPF desktop app with sqlite? I would like to know wether I could tune my application somehow and even when it is just for the learning effect :) ...