
Win32 API for determining if a path is relative or absolute?

Is there a win32 function that will tell me if a path is relative or absolute? Thanks, ...

Running programs easily from a command line on Windows

Linux allows me to have a short system path by placing binaries in just a few locations. I don't have to edit the path because I just installed a new application, and I don't have to hunt for applications I want to run. How can I, with PowerShell as the program I use to launch programs from, accomplish the same thing on Windows (Vista)? ...

Can't find my PYTHONPATH

I'm trying to change my PYTHONPATH. I've tried to change it in "My Computer" etc, but it doesn't exist there. I searched in the registry in some places, and even ran a whole search for the word 'PYTHONPATH', but to no avail. However, it Python I can easily see it exists. So where is it? ...

Fish Interactive Shell full path

Is there a way in the Fish Interactive shell for the full path to be displayed. Currently when I navigate to a directory I get the following shell. millermj@Dodore ~/o/workspace but I would rather see millermj@Dodore ~/o-town/workspace ...

C# getting the path of %AppData%

Hello, C# 2008 SP1 I am using this code below: dt.ReadXml("%AppData%\\DateLinks.xml"); However, I am getting an exception that point to the location of where my application is running from: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Projects\SubVersionProjects\CatDialer\bin\Debug\%AppData%\DateLinks.xml'. I thought the %AppData% shoul...

wxPython: Path problems when exporting a bitmap.

I have a module which starts a wxPython app, which loads a wx.Bitmap from file for use as a toolbar button. It looks like this: wx.Bitmap("images\\new.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY). All works well when I run that module by itself, but when I try to import and run it from a different module which is in a different directory, wxPython raises a...

saving files outside the public folder with attachment_fu in ruby on rails

Hi All, I'm using attachment_fu in a rails application to handle file uploads, and i want to save them in a directory in the root of the application called attachments. however, I cannot seem to make this plugin save a file in any other directory than public. Can anyone tell me how to do this? thx -C ...

bookmarklet to get full path to an image

I'm working on a bookmarklet that gives the full path to an image when you click on any image on a web page. The image is then downloaded on our servers, and we do business stuff to it. Currently, the script parses out the src attribute using jQuery, then has some dumb logic that usually works, but quite often it does not. Now, I could...

Python's sys.path value

Where is Python's sys.path initialized from? UPD: Python is adding some paths before refering to PYTHONPATH: >>> import sys >>> from pprint import pprint as p >>> p(sys.path) ['', 'C:\\Python25\\lib\\site-packages\\setuptools-0.6c9-py2.5.egg', 'C:\\Python25\\lib\\site-packages\\orbited-0.7.8-py2.5.egg', '...

Unable to stop the creation of backups to root by Vim/Emacs

Problem 1: my Vim makes backups with the extension ~ to my root I have the following line in my .vimrc set backup backupdir=~/tmp/vim//,~/tmp//,.//,/var/tmp//,/tmp//$ However, I cannot see a root directory in the line. Why does my Vim make backups of my shell scripts with the extension ~ to my root? Problem 2: my Zsh run my shel...

Relative paths in Python

I'm building a simple helper script for work that will copy a couple of template files in our code base to the current directory. I don't, however, have the absolute path to the directory where the templates are stored. I do have a relative path from the script but when I call the script it treats that as a path relative to the current w...

Unable to change where Git is loaded in Mac

I have MacPorts' Git at /opt/local/bin/git, while the newest Git at /opt/local/git. My PATH command export PATH=/usr/local/git:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Users/Masi/.cabal/bin:/Users/Masi/.cabal/bin/xmonad:$PATH The command echo $PATH gives me /usr/local/git:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:Users/Masi/.cabal/bin:/Users/Sam/.ca...

Where to install SDK DLLs on a system so that they can be found by apps that need them.

I've got an SDK I'm working on and the previous developer just dropped the DLLs in System32 (Apparently a serious offense: see here) So assuming I move them out into \Program Files\\SDK (or whatever), how do I make sure that all the apps that needs those DLLs can access them? And to clarify, all apps that access these are doing early (...

How do I add my program to PATH ?

For Windows: After my .NET program is installed, how do I set the system PATH to include my program absolute directory such that the user can launch my .exe from any directory within the console? Note: I want this to be done automatically without the end-user having to manually add the PATH himself. ...

where is $PATH set in xcode?

It looks like xcode's $PATH environment setting is different from my user shell environment. Where does xcode get the $PATH setting from and what's the best way to append to the search path? ...

What should Binding Path property be set to?

Hi All, Assuming I have this struct definition in C#: public struct TimeSlotInfo { public int TimeSlotID; public int StartMin; public int CalcGridColumn; public string BackgroundCol; public bool ToDisable; } And I have a linq query as so: var TimeSlotsInfo = from ts in datacon.TimeSlots select new TimeSlotInfo { Ti...

How do I get the complete virtual path of an ASP.NET application

How do I know the the complete virtual path that my application is currently hosted? For example: or I know the application path of HttpRequest but it only returns the folder name that my application is currently hosted, but how do I get the initial part? ...

Longest path in Java code

I want to obtain longest path in a given Java code. This code might be present in form of a graph. Are there any opensource tools/ APIs that obtain this info ? ...

How do I set $PATH such that `ssh user@host command` works?

I can't seem to set a new $PATH such that it is used when executing commands via ssh user@host command. I have tried adding export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/new_path to ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile on the remote machine, but executing ssh user@host "echo \$PATH" shows that the change has not been picked up (it shows /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/u...

How to get a path to a resource in a Java JAR file

I am trying to get a path to a Resource but I have had no luck. This works (both in IDE and with the JAR) but this way I can't get a path to a file, only the file contents: ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); printInputStream(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("config/netclient.p")); If i do this: ClassLoader class...