
Study Roadmap for PHP?

I need to know what are the right order of the PHP learning steps, I have learnt PHP basics, OOP basics too, and I made some small projects using them, however, there are a lot of subjects and techniques in PHP and I'm confused with what to begin first and then what etc? Following a methodical way when learning anything can save a lot o...

Relocating app.config file to a custom path

Is it possible to relocate the whole App.Config file to a custom path? It seems a bit odd that the config file resides in the same folder as the exe, with Windows' new approcah of saving all program settings in c:\ProgramData and all. An additional requirement we have is to programatically specify where to find the app.config file. The...

GetLeft of a Path in a canvas.

I am trying to find the Left of a Path using Canvas.GetLeft(aPath); But i am getting a 0. I have tried calling aPath.Measure and got the DesiredSize successfully which has the width but is there any way i could get the left of a aPath. Please help. Thanks N ...

New to Ant - Problem with relative paths

Please help, I'm going slightly mad!! I'm using Eclipse-generated antfiles to build a project with dependencies, one of which has its own buildfile in a directory which is a sibling to the direct ancestor of the project I'm building. E.g. if my directory is "/base/modules/clinicalcontext", the directory of one of the dependencies is sim...

Popularity of path hooks (PEP 302 custom import)

My project has the ability to run python functions remotely. Doing so requires transmitting modules a given function utilizes. Determining what to send is conducted via a modified modulefinder. As I modify the modulefinder to support arbitrary path_hooks, I've started to get the impression that path_hooks are not all that popular. Q...

Find the elements/children of a path wpf.

I have a Parent Canvas which has mutiple paths. Each Path has a bunch of shapes inside it but all of them refer to ParentCanvas as their parent. When i loop through the children of the parentCanvas i would like to figure out which childElement falls in the boundary of each path. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Another way ...

Reverse of os.path.normcase on Windows

Is there a simple way to get the "real" case sensitive path from a all lower case path. Like the reverse of os.path.normcase. For example, consider the directory: c:\StackOverFlow If I have the following snippet, how to obtain d_real? >>> import os >>> d = os.path.normcase('C:\\StackOverFlow') # convert to lower case >>> d 'c:\\stac...

Cross-platform library for manipulating Windows paths?

I am writing a cross-platform application that needs to inspect and manipulate Windows-paths. Specifically, for the particular problem I am having now, I need to know if a path is absolute or relative. The current code uses boost::filesystem::path which of course works like a charm on Windows: boost::filesystem::path the_path(the_path...

Set a path variable with spaces in the path in a Windows .cmd file or batch file

I'm new to script writing and can't get this one to work. I could if I moved the files to a path without a space in it, but I'd like it to work with the space if it could. I want to extract a bunch of Office updates to a folder with a .cmd file. To make the batch file usable on any computer, I set a path variable which I only have t...

Algorithm for finding path to point

I'm not sure if I worded this properly, but basically I have an object at point X,Y and I want an algorithm that can get this point to X',Y' but like show its route so I can animate it. I'm building a tile game and when the game starts I want the tiles to magically place themselves into a nice 2d array. So I will generate a random coordi...

Where do data files go so the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 debugger can find them?

I am writing code that opens an istream object on a file specified by the user. I want to be able to run the program in the debugger and just type the filename (eg data.txt) at the prompt, not the whole path. I haven't worked out how to do this inside the IDE so I have been saving my .txt file to the debug folder and running the .exe fil...

algorithm to traverse points horizontally and vertically

There are n points in the 2D plane. A robot wants to visit all of them but can only move horizontally or vertically. How should it visit all of them so that the total distance it covers is minimal? ...

How to use relative path for assets in Flash library ?

Hello all, When I drag and drop images in flash library, the path is sometimes relative (./somefolder/someimage.png), and sometimes it is absolute (D:\blah\somefolder\someimage.png). How can I use only relative paths in flash library in order to be able to update all images from any computer and/or from any folder ? Thank you in advan...

Curving from one point to another

I have tiles that are in random spots, and they wind up at x',y' (to make a nice 2d array) by doing : Xt = (((X-X)/T)*t)+X , Yt = (((Y-Y)/T)*t)+Y This works well, but it is linear. I'm looking for something curvier. A little bit like a parabola works. Basically instead of getting to X' in a straight line, I'm looking for an algor...

Is there any length-limits of file path in NTFS?

Why can not I create a deep path whose characters in path is more than 255 in NTFS File System? It seems a limits of FAT32, but also exist in NTFS? Can anyone provide some documents? Many Thanks! ...

Finding a file path

Which method of the File class can I use to return the absolute path of a text file whose name is already mentioned in the application. In other words, the name of the file or its relative path is not to be typed in by the user. ...

Shortest path in a map

I have designed a weighted graph using a normalized adjacency list in mysql. Now I need to find the shortest path between two given nodes. I have tried to use Dijkstra in php but I couldnt manage to implement it (too difficult for me). Another problem I felt was that if I use Dijkstra I would need to consider all the nodes, that may b...

PHP find a remote absolute path

Hi, I'm having a problem fetching the absolute URL of a remote image. What I'm doing right now is this: foreach($html->find('img') as $e){ $path = parse_url($e->src, PHP_URL_PATH); $absolute = realpath($path); if($e->src==$path){ echo '<img class="pic" src=' . $absolute . '/><br/>'; } } This code has been written using t...

Alternative ways to get a full path of a file

Is there any alternative way to get a full path of a file without using Path.GetFullPath method? ...

Python directory searching and organizing by dict.

Hey all, this is my first time recently trying to get into the file and os part of Python. I am trying to search a directory then find all sub directories. If the directory has no folders, add all the files to a list. And organize them all by dict. So for instance a tree could look like this Starting Path Dir 1 Subdir 1 Subdir 2 Sub...