
Different paths on different computers

I use 3 computers regularly and a fourth one ocassionaly. I have used dorpbox to synchronize my .ahk script to all computers. However, the path names are different on the different computers. For instance at home there is C:\Users\Farrel\Documents\SyRRuP where as at work it is something such as C:\Users\fbuchins\Documents\SyRRuP and on a...

Passing build parameters to .wxs file to dynamicaly build wix installers

Good day I am a student developer and I have built several installers for the company I am working with now. So I am fairly familure with WIX. We recently decided to have a Build server that auto builds our solution. It builds both debug, and release, aswell as Obfuscated(and non obfuscated) projects. And you really don't have to unders...

Tomcat and Context paths

I created a web application in Netbeans, and it packages the application in a file called "aa-bb.war". When I run the project in netbeans, I can access it at "localhost:8080/aa/bb". This is all good. Moving the .war file into a standard tomcat installation though, gives me problems. When I drop the .war into the "webapp" directory, it g...

Java - Get font file as a File object or get its path

Hello , I have a Font object in Java for a font file ... I need to convert that object to a File object or get the font file path ... So i can pass it to another method. Is there a way to do this ? Thanks ... ---------------------------------------------------------- Edit: More explanation : What i'm doing here is calling a method...

JavaScript SRC path not working

Hello! I have searched this web looking for an answer, but it seems that this time I'm not so lucky, so I am forced to ask. I apologize if it's already answered (could not find it). And yes, English is not my first language, so I also apologize for my spelling mistakes, I try my best. This is my problem, using Tomcat 5.5, Struts 1.3, J...

WPF C# Path: How to get from a string with Path Data to Geometry in Code (not in XAML)

I want to generate a WPF Path object in Code. In XAML I can do this: <Path Data="M 100,200 C 100,25 400,350 400,175 H 280"> How can I do the same in Code? Path path = new Path(); Path.Data = "foo"; //This won't accept a string as path data. Is there a class/Method available that converts the string with PathData to PathGeometry...

Git Merge Driver - File Attributes

When using a custom driver for merging in Git what is the full file path of the Git attributes /arguments you pass to the driver? Ex: driver = filfre %O %A %B What is the full file path of the three files, %O, %A, and %B? -Tanner ...

Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) ... no virtual machine...

SOLVED! thanks to VonC I am trying to get Eclipse Galileo to re-run on my computer - i have run it before with no problems but now i keep getting this error: A java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locat...

How do you determine full paths from filename command line arguments in a c++ program?

I am writing a program in c++ that accepts a filename as an argument on the command line: >> ./myprogram ../path/to/file.txt I know I can simply open an fstream using argv[1], but the program needs more information about the exact location (ie. full pathname) of the file. I thought about appending argv[1] to getcwd(), however obvious...

PHP on Plesk - Can't see absolute directories

I have PHP installed on a web server administered by Plesk. I am having some PHP include_path problems which I have narrowed down to absolute paths apparently not working. So, if I try to do a directory listing, the following works: echo "<h3>Directory listing of .</h3>"; foreach (new DirectoryIterator('.') as $fileInfo) { if($file...

Trying to update the file in src/web/prod folder (jsp)

Hi, I am using jboss, eclipse and svn together. I have to files in my test folder: test/create.jsp and test/data.txt . What I want to do is when I call my create.jsp it will update my data.txt . Obviously I want my data.txt to stay where it is as other scripts are tryong to read from it. I have tried dozens of new ways to put the path ...

os.listdir etc fails on shared windows path (Python 2.5)

Hi, I am seeing some weird behavior while parsing shared paths (shared paths on server, e.g. \storage\Builds) I am reading text file which contains directory paths which I want to process further. In order to do so I do as below: def toWin(path): return path.replace("\\", "\\\\") for line in open(fileName): l = toWin(line).st...

number of shortest paths between 2 vertex of a graph

Hey, 1) Anyone has an idea to get the number of shortest paths in an undirected unweighted graph? I wanna fill a 2 dimensional matrix which has the number of shortest paths for any i,j vertex, 2) another question is how to get number of shortest paths between two vertex i,j in a way that the path must pass a certain vertex. Thanks in adv...

python - os.makedirs don't understand ~ in my path?

Hi I have a little problem with ~ in my paths. This code example creates some dirs called "~/some_dir", and do not understand that I wanted to create some_dir in my home dir. my_dir = "~/some_dir" if not os.path.exists(my_dir): os.makedirs(my_dir) Note this is on a linux based system. Thanks Johan Solution: Thanks all, if...

Find system folder locations in Python 3.1

I am trying to find out the location of system folders with Python 3.1. For example "My Documents" = "C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents", "Program Files" = "C:\Program Files" etc etc. ...

Changing Tomcat web application context

I have web application, which was designed and always worked under root context ("/"). So all css, js and links started with "/" (for example "/css/style.css"). Now I need to move this web application to some different context (let's say /app1). It is easy to change server.xml configuration file and bring up web application in new contex...

how to set path for apache/ tomcat?

The default is www/webroot. Where may I set the path so that my localhost points somewhere else? ...

How can I set the PATH variable for javac so I can manually compile my .java works?

Here's the address on my drive: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin How would I go about setting the path variable so I can go in command window (windowskey+r "cmd") and be able to type things like: javac I'm using Windows 7 Professional. ...

WPF: Stretching multiple paths relatively.

Hi, This should be simple, but I guess I'm missing something. I have a simple user control containing a grid and 2 paths. I would like to make this user control stretchable to any desired size, keeping the same relative position of the paths (the original work has much more paths with animation). <UserControl xmlns="http://schema...

Batch-file for finding the current folder and running a cmd-line with this path?

hi, I would like to have some kind of starter-batch for my *.jar file, but therefore I need the current folder path. How do I create a batch that can get the folder path, the batch and the jar files are in and then using this path for the jar-command in the command-line? Thank you in advance for any hint! Andreas ...