
VBA File Path Control

How to put a File path control in VBA front panel? I want the user to be able to select the browse button and select the file path rather than putting up dialog boxes all over the place. I need the user to select three or more file paths. ...

server.mappath("."), server.mappath("~"), server.mappath(@"\"), server.mappath("/"). What is the difference?

Can anyone explain the difference between Server.MapPath("."), Server.MapPath("~"), Server.MapPath(@"\") and Server.MapPath("/")? ...

In WPF how do I specify the path to a file nested in a Directory using XAML?

I am trying to do this... <Image x:Name="imgGroupImage" Source="Images\unlock.png" Margin="0,0,5,0" /> But I get this error... Cannot convert string 'Images\unlock.png' in attribute 'Source' to object of type 'System.Windows.Media.ImageSource'. Cannot locate resource 'forms/images/unlock.png'. Error at object 'System.Windows.Hierarc...

Using capistrano when remote git is on a non-standard path

My shared host did not provide git, so I built and installed it into ~/bin. When I ran it, I got the following error on most commands, although they were successful. stdin: is not a tty I can solve that problem by adding: default_run_options[:pty] = true to my deploy.rb, but then I get this error, which blocks deployment:...

Accounting for a changing path

In relation to another question, how do you account for paths that may change? For example, if a program is calling a file in the same directory as the program, you can simply use the path ".\" in *nix. However, apparently Windows likes to have the path hard-coded, e.g. "C:\Python_project\". What happens if the path changes?...

Webresource.axd problem between regular and secure domain paths

In our setup there are two different websites in IIS 7 setup that point to the same physical path. One with the binding (virtual root ~ is /) and the second at (so the virtual root ~ is /userid/websitename). We use the second for secure aspects of each websi...

dllimport failed to locate dll even though it is in the PATH

I use [Dllimport("DllName.dll")] where I'm sure a path to my dll exists in the process PATH environment variable, and still I get "DllName.dll could not be found" ...

Basic HTML - how to set relative path to current folder?

Lets say I am currently at: Is it possible to create a relative link on this page that points to without specifying anywhere "folder"? (And using only HTML) UPDATE: As it turned out "./" works only in non-strict doctype mode, while "." works in both modes, so it is still a better...

Path from where an ASP.NET application is run

An ASP.NET application sends letters in HTML format with links to external images. These images are placed in the same folder where the application is deployed. So before sending it modifies a letter template in such way what the links are correct. Now I use new UriBuilder(Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port, Re...

C# Sanitize File Name

I recently have been moving a bunch of MP3s from various locations into a repository. I had been constructing the new file names using the ID3 tags (thanks, TagLib-Sharp!), and I noticed that I was getting a System.NotSupportedException: "The given path's format is not supported." This was generated by either File.Copy() or Directory.Cre...

opening an html file on localhost in xampp/apache 2.2 using subdirectories under htdocs

I'll try again with a new question, appreciate the help... I have a site directory for html (dreamweaver cs3) with lots of subdirectories that contain html files for a number of drop down menus. They work fine where they are. But, they all have menus that are javascript and could be kept in a separate file. So, I want to use Include. I ...

php includes in html files-directories

Do all php include files have to be in an include directory, or is that just an organizational convenience? Can I include files from any directory using the path to that directory? Do html files that contain php includes have to have a php extension? If so, I guess that would mean all of my html docs would be php if they all have the men...

Dreamweaver CS3 Site in Apache htdocs, missing path on localhost?

Almost have DW CS3 configured with my site to preview on localhost, except for one thing, the path is incomplete. It is missing the top directory of the site in the path when it tries to open the file. WHY??? Where do you change that? Here's what it gives me: http://localhost/0-Sections/000-ComingSoon/PHPTestComingSoonNMBT-Test.shtml ...

Javascript directory

I have some javascript menu code that works just fine from a separate directory. But, when I try to call the same .js files from within the same directory, it won't see the files. The following works from another directory: script type="text/javascript"> var vbImgPath="../00-Menu-Files/" But, if I do this from within the same folder, ...

How to get the path of a running jar file?

My code runs inside a jar file, say foo.jar, and I need to know, in the code, in which folder the running foo.jar is. So, if foo.jar is in C:\FOO\, I want to get that path no matter what my current working directory is. ...

add custom DLL search path @ application startup

I'm racking my brain trying to come up with an elegant solution to a DLL load problem. I have an application that statically links to other lib files which load DLLs. I'm not loading the DLLs directly. I'd like to have some DLLs in another folder other than the folder that the executable is in. Something like %working_folder%\dlls - I'd ...

no such file or directory but the directory is in the path

Hello I am compiling a program with make but I get the error of No such file or directory but the file is in a directory of the path. I have this #include "genetic.h", that file is in a directory called /home/myuser/toolbox/lib/genalg and in the PATH I have ...:/home/myuser/toolbox/lib/genalg, so I do not why make cannot find the librar...

How do I format a PHP include() absolute (rather than relative) path?

On various pages throughout my PHP web site and in various nested directories I want to include a specific file at a path relative to the root. What single command can I put on both of these pages... include this page:

Concatenating Environment.CurrentDirectory with back path ..

If i have the following directory structure: Project1/bin/debug Project2/xml/file.xml I am trying to refer to file.xml from Project1/bin/debug directory I am essentially trying to do the following: string path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"..\..\Project2\xml\File.xml": what is the correct syntax for this? ...

MFC Equivalent to Java File#isDirectory()

Is there an equivalent to the Java File method isDirectory() in MFC? I tried using this : static bool isDirectory(CString } but it doesn't seem to work. ...