
Ant path/pathelement not expanding properties correctly

My property gwt.sdk expands just fine everywhere else, but not inside a path/pathelement: <target name="setup.gwtenv"> <property environment="env"/> <condition property="gwt.sdk" value="${env.GWT_SDK}"> <isset property="env.GWT_SDK" /> </condition> <property name="gwt.sdk" value="/usr/local/gwt" /> <!-- Default value. --> <...

How does ant treat a pathelement that does not exist?

How does ant behave if I define a path with a pathelement which points to a non-existent directory? <path id=""> <pathelement location="this/might/not/exist/"> </path> The scenario is that the ant file is used for several projects - some have this additional folder, and some do not. Does ant just ignore it, or does it fail?...