I am using PDO with PHP to create a new database and then a new user with privileges on that database. In case one of them fails, I want to rename the database and user so that they can be deleted later and the names are available.
Is it possible to rename a mysql database using the ALTER DATABASE?
Hi guys, this is an SQL question and don't know which type of JOIN, GROUP BY etc. to use, it is for a chat program where messages are related to rooms and each day in a room is linked to a transcript etc.
Basically, when outputting my transcripts, I need to show which users have chatted on that transcript. At the moment I link them thro...
Where is a hello world example that has all CRUD operations included?
One from here:
$sth->execute(array(':calories' => $calories, ':colour' => $colour));
The other from here:
/*** reassign the variables again ***/
$data = array('animal_id'=>4, 'animal_name' => 'bruce');
/*** execute the prepared statement ***/
My question is: :key or key ?
Sorry I don't have the PHP environm...
Hi Guys,
I have tried lots of ways to get the last inserted ID with the code below (snipplet from larger class) and now I have given up.
Does anyone know howto get PDO lastInsertId to work?
Thanks in advance.
$sql = "INSERT INTO auth (surname, forename, email, mobile, mobilepin, actlink, regdate) VALUES (:surname, :forename, :ema...
Im using a sequel for search like this using PDOs
$states = "'SC','SD'";
$sql = "select * from mytable where states in (:states)";
$params = array(':states'=>$states);
and I use my function
$result = $this->selectArrayAssoc($sql, $params);
where my selectArrayAssoc function as following
public function selectArrayAssoc($sql, $params...
$res = $db->exec($sql);
if ($res === FALSE)
catch(PDOException $e)
catch(Exception $e)
No error info, and neither does it get caught as an exception. Yet ...
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY :sort :dir LIMIT :start, :results";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
'sort' => $_GET['sort'],
'dir' => $_GET['dir'],
'start' => $_GET['start'],
'results' => $_GET['results'],
I tried to use prepare to do the job,but $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_...
How can I make a singleton of the PDO extention? Extending doesn't work, because I get a fatal error when I try it ...
I'm using PDO inside a database abstraction library function query that I've made.
I'm using fetchAll(), which if you have a lot of results, is supposed to get memory intensive, so I want to provide an argument to toggle between a fetchAll associative array and a pdo result set that can be iterated over with foreach and requires less me...
PDO apparently has no means to count the number of rows returned from a select query (mysqli has the num_rows variable).
Is there a way to do this, short of using count($results->fetchAll()) ?
how to install pdo sqlite drivers to enable onserver support
$db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DBNAME", "USER", "PASSWD");
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM testdb ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT :index, 10");
$stmt->bindValue(":index", $_GET['index'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
while( $r = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) )
echo var...
I have installed SQLite on my UNIX system, and am planning on accessing it from PHP. However, the database is created in the directory I initialize it in, and if a script runs in a different directory a new database is created in the same directory.
Is there an option for SQLite (or the PHP wrappers) to create the databases in one loc...
I've been using PDO and preparing all my statements primarily for security reasons. However, I have a part of my code that does execute the same statement many times with different parameters, and I thought this would be where the prepared statements really shine. But they actually break the code...
The basic logic of the code is this.
I have 2 database fields
`decval` decimal(5,2)
`intval` int(3)
I have 2 pdo queries that update them. The one that updates the int works ok
$update_intval->bindParam(':intval', $intval, PDO::PARAM_INT);
but I can't update the decimal field. I've tried the 3 ways below, but nothing works
$update_decval->bindParam(':decval', $decval...
In this query
select wrd from tablename WHERE wrd LIKE '$partial%'
I'm trying to bind the variable '$partial%' with PDO. Not sure how this works with the % at the end.
Would it be
select wrd from tablename WHERE wrd LIKE ':partial%'
where :partial is bound to $partial="somet"
or would it be
select wrd from tablename WHERE w...
I'm not sure if this possible. If not, let me know.
I have a PDO mysql that updates 3 fields.
$update = $mypdo->prepare("UPDATE tablename SET field1=:field1,
I've already checked answers to questions like this one (How do I create a PDO parameterized query with a LIKE statement in PHP).
I've ended up to this solution:
$sql = "SELECT count(*) ".
"FROM avs_souscript ".
"WHERE num_certif =\"\" ".
"AND date_annul=\"\" ".
"AND user=:sess_user ".
"AND user!...
I have two distinct modules that can be used independently, but Module2 is dependent on Module1.
Module2 has an operation that needs to be atomic, and it calls an operation in Module1 that also needs be atomic.
Assuming I have set PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE to PDO:ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, the following heavily genericised and snipped code yields this...