
Is PHP PEAR included with php?

I am looking over the php installation on my local PC via Xampp and I notice in the php.ini file for the include directoy, it has includes for unix but PEAR for Windows include_path = ".:/php/includes" but for windows it has include_path = ".;C:\webserver\php\pear\" So I am wanting to know, is PEAR included in a default version...

PEAR's mail queue alternative?

I'm looking for a good mass mailing library for PHP. Everything seems to point to Pear's mail_queue, but I was wondering if there are any alternatives? I need something that can: Manage multiple smtp servers, each with their own per hour limit Send HTML emails Do all of this as fast as possible? Any suggestions? ...

Adding a radio button against each record

The following code uses the DB extention provided by PEAR. I want a radio button against each record so that the user can select only one record from the list and submit. There can be hundreds of records from table. // Proceed with getting some data... $res =& $db->query('SELECT * FROM someTable limit 10'); while ($res->fetchInto($row)...

How can I get all field values from a query with JOINed tables?

I have this elementary query: SELECT d.description, o.code FROM order_positions AS o LEFT JOIN article_descriptions AS d ON (o.article_id = d.article_id) WHERE o.order_id = 1 and I'm using MDB2 from PEAR to execute it and read the return values. But somehow the result array always contains fields from the order_positions table only!,...

PHP PEAR Auth session timeout

This issue has been driving me insane. On two separate projects (both of which use PEAR as libraries but are written on completely different custom frameworks) I am using PEAR Auth for authentication which uses the session. After logging in, users are logged out within an hour or so of being idle. I don't have the exact time, but it's v...

PHP Send UTF-8 mail without PEAR::Mail PEAR::Mail_Mime

I would like to be able to send e-mails with PHP mail() containing the 8-bit characters åäö. They will be used in the subject, the message and in the "From:"-header. How can I do this without using the PEAR packages? ...

Pear Log MDB2 message length and errors

Hey all, I recently set up a SQL logging framework with PEAR, and everything was working fine. However, I thought that the default length of the message field (VARCHAR 200) was a little short, so I changed my database structure in phpmyadmin to increase this to 512. However, I quickly realized that this changed completely stopped loggi...

HTTP_Request using cURL or Pear (PHP) on XML Page

Hello all, I am not well-versed in HTTP requests. How can I, using PHP, grab and parse the information from this XML page, using a GET HTTP Request? Basically, this is a video that was encoded, and I am trying to pull some of the values from the recently encoded video. More specifical...

Replacement for PEAR: MDB2 on PHP 5.3

I've been using pear packages in php for years. I'm in the process of upgrading/moving a sites that uses the MDB2 pear package and it has not been updated for PHP 5.3.X. In 5.3, MDB2 is returning those new annoying errors. Unknown: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /usr/local/lib/php/MDB2.php on line 390 ...

Pear DB_DataObject and input cleaning

I normally use a function of my own to clean input before adding the values inside a query to prevent sql-injections. I also use pear DB_DataObject. I read somehere that DB_DataObject cleans the input itself. Is this true? Can i assign uncleaned input to a DB_DataObject object? (What about mysql_real_escape_string?, i get an error usi...

Extend HTML_BBCodeParser_Filter

I'm trying to add extra tags to the PEAR package BBCodeParser, to do this, I believe I need to place Object.php in \php5.3.0\PEAR\pear\HTML\BBCodeParser\Filter and call addFilter. Object.php <?php /* New filter @todo Lots */ require_once 'HTML/BBCode...

How to install an older version of PHPUnit through PEAR?

I would like to downgrade my installation of PHPUnit 3.4 to 3.3. I'm just not sure how to do it. How do I install version 3.3 of PHPUnit on Ubuntu using PEAR? ...

How to uninstall a pear package?

What is the command to uninstall a pear package? ...

Problems installing pear package (Failed loading /usr/lib64/php4/

Trying to install pear package and keep getting this strange error. Can you shed any light on it? Failed loading /usr/lib64/php4/ /usr/lib64/php4/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Full message: root@www webapps]# pear install --alldeps...

Has Anyone Here ever tried PEAR

Hi I have been reading alot of articles adoring the PEAR mail package and it seems like PEAR is something I need to try out. I am interested in setting up a full mail server, similar to a conventional SMTP mail service; which incorporates mail queuing, resending with a backend database etc. My impression is that PEAR can do this but can...

Installing PEAR without access to Internet

Hi, I need to install PEAR on a server which does not have outsite access to the net. There is no go-pear.bat in the php folder and even if it had go-pear.bat i think it needs access to the net. I looked an the Installing PEAR from a local copy from the PEAR website. But it needs PEAR to be already installed for it to work. So do any...

What is PEAR most appropriately used for

I can't wrap my head around PEAR or its usages. There is also some talk about its maintainability, so I think a better way to help me gauge what sub-components of my programs I could need it for is to ask what others have used it for. What did you use PEAR for and it was a good choice? and what did you consider using it for but eventuall...

PHP - QuickForm Submits as Get Rather Than Post

I am trying to get started with PEAR's HTML_QuickForm but I'm having a problem. For some reason all of my form data is being submitted with GET and not POST. The default is supposed to be POST and I've tried setting it explicitly. The only thing I've been able to figure out is that when I simply call display() on the form it works cor...

Accessing array value

print_r($fanr); results in: HTML_QuickForm_text Object ( [_label] => FA-Nummer [_type] => text [_flagFrozen] => [_persistantFreeze] => 1 [_attributes] => Array ( [name] => auftragsnr [type] => text [value] => 123 ) [_tabOffset] => 0 [_tab] => [_lin...

Cannot redeclare class mdb2_error in Pear MDB2 package

I haven't install pear in my PC,instead I download the packages and unzip them to "libs" dictionary in my web-app.the structure of dictionary of my web-app is roughly like this: web-app +-/backend +-/libs +-/peardb +-pear.php +-pear5.php +-mdb2.php +-/mdb2 The application works fine in my t...