
Singleton python generator? Or, pickle a python generator?

I am using the following code, with nested generators, to iterate over a text document and return training examples using get_train_minibatch(). I would like to persist (pickle) the generators, so I can get back to the same place in the text document. However, you cannot pickle generators. Is there a simple workaround, so that I can sa...

Track unsuccessful login attempts for ID Locking

1) A typical Login Screen of an application, ID locked for wrong passwords when more than three attempts. 2) The attempt cannot be stored in session, because user might use multiple browsers in same or different machine. 3) I don't want to persist the count in the database since one would have to reset it after 24rs or so. What is the...

APIDemos 8 PersistenceState, where is the persistent text "saved?"

In the class the prefs variable gets the saved/typed text from prior sessions here, on line 106 into restoredText. Where does the getString method get the saved/typed text? protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); ... SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(0); String restoredText = prefs.getStr...