
php , pay

I'm using Pay Pal and I have a error occur when the payment process Exception: Invalid operation, the value type is invalid. $ret = gt_exec('purchase_card', $user_email,$user_pass1, array( 'bill_to' => $addr_bill->ToArray(), 'ship_to' => $addr_ship->ToArray(), ...

Authentication in CakePHP

how can i use myown login function to authenticate users in cakePHP because my users table structure is different from the cakePHP structure. even i overridden the login function it still executing the login function in parent class can any one provide me a solution for this?? thanks in advance ...

Uploading images through PHP into SVN and storing meta data in multiple databases

We're currently designing a rewrite of our PHP website. The new version will be under SVN version control and have a separate database for development and live sites. Currently we have about 200,000 images on the site and we add around 5-10 a month. We'd like to have these images under SVN as well. The current plan is to store and ser...

htaccess problem in ajax fetching values

hi i m calling ajax function with htaccess url rewriting.But i m not able to fetch value from server.My code is following.. function lookup(val1,val2) { //some code here //// if (xmlhttp.readyState==4){ alert(xmlhttp.responseText); // but i m not getting values } var str=inputString+'/'+cityid; x...

Using Simpletest PHP "unit testing for PHP", getting error message "Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated "

I am new to using simpletest: for PHP and am using PHP 5.2* on my server, when I try to set up an initial test script based on their demo, I get a page full of errors like the one below... I am not sure if this is something to do with simpletest not being compatible with PHP 5.* or what the issue is, any insigh...

SimpleXML won't return data properly

I'm using SimpleXML to parse a data file from an external source. I'm trying to pull a thumbnail from the result, which looks like this: <entry> <title>Ball_Punch</title> <author> <name>burningcandle2010</name> <uri>;/uri&gt; ...

Storing HTML into a javascript variable

I'm having some trouble with some javascript. I'm using jQuery to dynamiclly add rows to a table. Additionally the javascript is being generated from some PHP and Kohana code. Here is the script. <script type="text/javascript"> function delExtensionNumber(element){ $(element).prev().attr('value', 'X'); $(eleme...

PHP and .htaccess redirect woodoo

Hi, I'm a little stuck with with my .htaccess redirect. It was working find while I was with PHP4 but the recent move to a new host with PHP5 have changed things for which I've no clue. I run a URL shortening service for NSFW links so they're a little safer at Here, for a URL like (this one is actually SFW...

FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file

Hi, I am using the FPDF library for generating PDF files by PHP. This library is working fine with plain text(i.e PDF files are generating for any text), but this is giving me an error of FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file:{MY_FILE_PATH} while trying to add an image to my PDF page. Accessed that file path through the browser, ...

Codeigniter form_validation help

Hi there I am having a problem with my form validation, basically the problem is that I am getting a repeated view loaded if the validation fails, please see my code snippet, else { //the user is a new customer so we need to show them //the card details form $this->addViewData('returningCustomer', f...

cache help - php5

Hello all. I have build my own freamwork i now i need to implate a cache system. i read about ( Memcache ) but i need now one think to cache me template system, can sombardy maby help me here to link to nice stuff? :) ...

How to combine 2 imagemagick commands together

I got 2 seprate Imagemagick commands (resize and crop circle). Is it possible to combine both commands into single PHP exec. exec('convert original.jpg -resize x100 -gravity center -crop 100x100+0+0 +repage thumbnail.jpg'); exec('convert -size 100x100 xc:none -fill thumbnail.jpg -draw "circle 50,50 50,0" circle.png'); Many thanks ...

file_get_Contents won't send query strings in url , thus receiving nothing with $_GET

I'm trying to make a request to a website this way : file_get_contents(''); in the index.php file ( Receiver ) , when I try to echo $_GET['var'] from within the index.php and get the response with file_Get_contents, I get nothing. curl is getting it right , but I just want to know it this way ...

Failed ARO/ACO node lookup

I'm getting a weird error when running through the tutorial in the e-book, "Practical CakePHP Projects" in chapter 8, "A Cake Control Panel". Everything is built out, the DB is set-up and completely blank, and I'm running through the test at the end of the chapter to verify everything is working... I'm not sure what happened, but I keep ...

Will cakephp 1.3.2 work on php 5.3 ?

Will cakephp 1.3.2 work on php 5.3 ? ...

count all HTML tags in page PHP

I spent time on regex to solve this problem but not have result i try solve this problem using PHP 5.3 Information like - How many times repeats in page - How many times repeats in page and information about all tags in page ...

How Data Access Layer communicates with Presentation Layer in PHP?

Im new to OOP & PHP. After being fed-up of "Person's Class-Object examples", I want to know exactly how a function would return a set of rows from database to the presentation layer in a way that: Conditions and validations are managed by Business Layer's function (e.g. getEmployees($DepartmentID)). All HTM, CSS and Javascripts are lo...

The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,'

How to solve : Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and '-,' in ..... on line 3 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at ......:3) in ..... on lin...

cp1250_general_ci to UTF-8 help

Hello, I'm fetching data from external database (I cannot edit it so don't suggest that please) which has internal encoding set to cp1250_general_ci. I need to display that data as UTF-8 but I cannot get it to work. I'm using this to fetch the data: $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=eklient;host='; $user = 'root'; $password = 'root'...

How can I define a variable before create the class?

Hi How can I define a variable before or while initializing the class? <?php class class{ public $var; public function __construct(){ echo $this -> var; } } $class = new class; $class -> var = "var"; ?> ...