
Doctrine 2 join troubles

Hi, I try to do this query using doctrine query builder $idAccount = $params['idAccount']; $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->select('t,tt') ->from($this->_entityName, 'sr') ->innerJoin('sr.account', 'a') ->innerJoin('sr.product', 'p') ->leftJoin('p.title', 't') ...

Change my browsers POST method data

Is there any way to access My Own Browsers (IE8, FF3.6) Session data or POST Method data? For example when an item is sending using POST method i can change it. change to Is there any script or software to help? ...

Bebo External Authentication

I am working on a script that will allow users to login using their bebo accounts. I have followed their "documentation" but can not get it to work. Has anyone been able to do this? I am looking to pull back user data based upon their username (kinda like Facebook). Thanks for all the help in advance! ...

PHP createFromFormat for 5.2 version

Hello. The title says all I want to know. Is there any function or I have to make it myself? Thanks! Edit: Ok. Thats great, in the server I'm developing for it works just perfect. But in my computer where the development server is hosted I'm using windows. strptime -> Note: This function is not implemented on Windows platforms. Is ...

How would you setup a small MVC structure?

In a few weeks, I will guide some of our trainees through a customer project, where they have to build a small web application in php. My idea is to setup a small MVC structure for them to learn oop and mvc and to assure code quality. How would you do this? We have no special requirements, just php and mysql. Would you use a template sys...

Getting textarea value in javascript

Iam using Tinymce Editor for creating some content.I used textarea for getting tinymce editor. For edting i have used this code <textarea id="page_content_id" name="page_content"><?php echo $page_content;?></textarea> So the saved value will be in tiny mce editor.If i add something to the editor how i can get the values in javascript...

PHP - How to hide URLS in MYSQL?

How to hide URL's in MYSQL but readable with curl and PHP? E.g. Obfucation or anything to hide those URL's. ...

Zend Router precendece problem

Hi, I have got two routes ; category route resources.router.routes.category.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route" resources.router.routes.category.route = "shopping/:idTwo/:id/*" resources.router.routes.category.defaults.module = "default" resources.router.routes.category.defaults.controller = "shopping" resources.router.routes.category...

Mysql select with find_in_set with two stringlist

I got in my table this 2 rows: 1, 'Halo: Reach', 2010, ''fps','sci-fi'', '"The best game of the year".', 'Microsoft', 'Bungie', 'XBOX 360', 9.5, '', '', '' 2, 'FIFA 11', 2010, 'sport,soccer', '"The best soccer game ever"', 'EA', 'EA', 'PC, XBOX 360, PS3', 10, 'http:/...

Using aptitude to install extra php modules (after php has already been installed)?

Hello. I recently setup an Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS server for a client which uses a PHP based forum. It's all gone well, but now it seems I need to install a new php module to enable spell checking in the forum (the forum is Simple Machines Forum) So when I first setup the server, I installed like this: sudo aptitude -y install php5-c...

Switching from NuSoap to PHP5 Soap - need a jumpstart

Here's the call I'm trying to make: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""&gt; <soap:Header xmlns:soap=""&gt; <urn:SessionHeader xmlns:urn="" xmlns="" xmlns:so...

PHP - Change fopen to curl

Hi! I use this function with 'fpoen', but I need to use 'curl' instead. function rest_auth_xml($url,$method,$token,$chave,$xml) { $auth = sprintf('Authorization: Basic %s',base64_encode("$token:$chave") ); $opts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>$method, 'header'=>"Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" . $auth."\r\n", 'conten...

Why am I getting: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object for this recursive function?

Can anyone tell me I get the error: Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object for this method inside the class This is a recursive function, and it runs fine the first time, is the second time when I get the error. function getSite($var, $var1 = 0, $numLevel = 1){ //get the page $qry = "SELECT * FROM...

php constructor

Sometimes I see this code in php : $car = & new Car(); instead of $car = new Car(); What's the meaning of the ampersand sign? ...

PHP 5.2.x, monitor a file for changes, native FAM?

I'm looking for a FAM-like solution: "This extension is considered unmaintained and dead." I have a file that's written to randomly, I want to loop and wait for it to change, and then kick off my process. I don't want to loop fstat sleep if at all possible, fam_next_event bloc...

Symfony : How to filter data on the frontend like in the backend

Hello, on the backend on symfony 1.4 / Doctrine, you have a tool which allows you to filter data according to date, location, age (and many more according to your model) EXAMPLE I'm searching a way to do the same (with some customisation such as removing some fields) but in the frontend. I didn't find any documentation on how to do it...

php make function inside a variable.

Im sure I have seen an implementation of this in PHP somewhere and I am positive if it exists its a PHP 5 thing. Any way I was wondering if it was possible to set and run a function from a string and set the returned value to the value of the string. e.g. <?php $hi = function(){ return "Hello World"; }; echo $hi(); ?> It probably is ...

plz give me the code to create birthday remainder using php and mysql?

plz give me the code to create birthday remainder using php and mysql? ...

PHP5.3 hangs IIS6 on windows2003 64bit

I am setting up php 64bit on IIS6 (windows 2k3 ). The need is I want my existing website(classic asp) to include a wordpress blog (mu) with friendly url. So want to install it as a subdirectory to the IIS website. I have single IP allocated. Could not get the 32 bit php environment working as per IISADMIN Upon setting up for 64bit php...

send email to multiple receptor php - mysqli

I'd like to know how to send mails to users who is already stored in my database so I want to select all from my database table and send them a mail and also is I want to send to the selected emails only how that can be done This is the relevant code of the admin interface: <?php $get_U_data = " select * from maling_list "; ...