
Can I set 2 address at a time in google map. ?

Hi I have to set two address at a time in google map. User provides these two address. after submitting I have to show these two address on map. amy body knows the script. Please help me. ...

How do i get this or correct this PHP logic Working

I am creating a report with the data which calls the stored procedure and that procedure returns various sections (1,2,3,4,5,6) with the data in each section.Now the sections may contain or may not contain the data.This is how i have wriiten my logic foreach($this->$dbresults as $row){ $var1 =''; If($var1!=$row['section']){ swit...

How can i export to csv or xls using PHP , in different worksheets

How can i export data in different work sheets. If data is more than 25000 , i want to write next 25000 in next worksheet, in xls data can be in different tabs.. How can i make that structure using PHP export to csv or xls. Will it help to reduce load , if i write in different sheets.? ...

php pagination without database

How to create pagination script with out database support, i have 200 images in my images folder, i want to display these images with pagination , if DB means we use some count to we can create pagination , but its clearly mentioned no database, so how to create the pagination , ...

PHP: function: Allow no more than X parameters

Hey, I got a class like this (this is an abstract example): class Example(){ function test($param1,$param2,$param3=NULL){ //param3 is optional //stuff } } This function is called dynamically (from URL, /example/test/a/b/ will call Example::Test(a,b) ) if(is_callable(array($class, $funcname))) call_user_func_array(a...

best php based chat application

sir, as i am new to php. I want to embed chat application in my website. Does anyone let me know which chat application will be best suitable for my website which will run on my intranet. The chat application must be free of cost and php based. Thank you in advance. ...

ob_get_clean() is not working on MAMP but works on WampServer?

Can anyone explain why the following script behaves differently on two different platforms? Script: <?php echo "hello!"; $view_content = ob_get_clean(); echo "'".gettype($view_content)."' >".$view_content."<"; Output 1 (on WampServer 2i - php v5.3.0 - Windows 7 x64 ): 'string' >hello!< Output 2 ( on MAMP 1.9 - php v5.3.2 - OSX ...

How do i create the array with the values being fetched from database in php

Say i am having set of rows in a table and each row is having a column called city with some values assigned to it iam iterating through the result set and i need to assign the list of city values of each row in to an array only unique foreach($res as $row){ $cities =array(); $cities[] = $row['city']; /...

Can I throw exception in a for loop , if memory exceeds in that loop

How can I handle an exception happening in a foreach loop? I want to throw my exception if the for loop didn't work properly. As data is huge, foreach exits because PHP's memory limit is exceeded. try { foreach() }catch (exception $e) { echo $e; } This is not working. How do I throw an exception? ...

PHP - Friend List

Hey, How would I create a Friend List e.g. User can add friends into their list. Here is how it goes: Log's in $qry="SELECT * FROM users WHERE username ='$login' AND password='$thepass'"; Add Friends, Remove friends How would I do that in PHP? ...

Codeigniter Count / If problem

Hello, this is taking me too long to figure out. I am using Codeigniter to query a database. The model does this function currentfunction($id) { $query = $this->db->get_where('mytable', array("id =" => $id)); if($query->num_rows() > 0){ return $query->result_array(); }else { return false; } } The con...

php open excel file in browser

Hi, how to open excel file in browser , i dont want some thing like force download dialog , i want to open excel in browser somthing like in gmail when u click the excel file in the inbox, it will show browser itself, same like , how to do in php. ...

Why the class variables does not stores values in php class?

Hello Friends! I just started study of class and object in php. I have a very small program which is as follows. <?PHP class GetUserPermissions { public $tab1; public $tab2; public $tab3; public $tab4; public function setMainPagePermissions() { try { $this->SetPermissionsSelection(1,0,5,0); } ...

Opening 0kb file using in Javascript with PHP

When we try to open a blank text file ( 0kb ) using in php we get an error that the file not exist. But when we open it directly by giving that path to a browser it will open that blank file. Please help... Thnks. ...

Php display contents of pdf

Is it possible to print the contents of a pdf using php ,javascript or jquery ...

Creating a body ID in CodeIgniter

Is there a way to create a dynamic body id in codeigniter for different pages that converts spaces to dashes? I have been around forums and search engines but I have no luck. Here is my code: <body id="{$template.title}"> Here is the output: <body id="About us"> I want it to be: <body id="about-us"> let me know Thank you ...

What is the best practice of replacing placeholders in an html page without using smarty etc?

Below is a basic example of what I have done. Grab html template $template = file_get_contents("skins/".CSS_URL."/layouts/homepage.html"); Build array of items to search for $search = array("|{THUMB_FEATURED_IMAGE}|", "|{LARGE_FEATURED_IMAGE}|", "|{PAGE_CONTENT}|"); Build array of items to replace the searched with $replace = arr...

PHP ZipArchive - zip corrupt

On archiving more number of files , zip is returning a empty zip file which cannot be open and its corrupted. When i try to pint Zip archive object , i got this ZipArchive Object ( [status] => 5 [statusSys] => 2 [numFiles] => 84 [filename] => /root/zip/ [comment] => ) The file is not even created. for l...

Php Mysqli Persistent connection error

I have a problem in my script that appen sometimes,usually when i leave it for some time(like 5-10 minutes)without requests i get this error: Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: MySQL server has gone away in FILE.php on line 30 and this is the code that gives me error is this: $this->db=mysqli_connect('p:'.$this-...

What is this PHP warning, "Cannot modify header information"?

Hi All, I'm a newbie for PHP5 and In my php page I'm getting this error when try to redirect to another page Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at <path to my php file>:<line number>) in <path to my php file> on line <line number> in my php file I have several includes and each one doe...