
Integration of Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl with Zend_Amf_Server

Has anyone succesfully integrated Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl with Zend_Amf_Server? I'am looking for a working example. ...

Symfony Jobeet: Need to refactor index page DB queries

I use Symfony 1.4 with Doctrine, and I noticed that my project has similar issue with Jobeet project at index page ( The problem is on index page the system shows to user jobs per category and we have 1+2*N database queries, where N - categories count. This isn't very good, if ...

Cross Server Cookies, PHP

Hi, We have 2 web servers, one secure and one normal. Is it possible to set a cookie like this setcookie("basket[id]", $newID, time()+60*60*24, "/", SITE_URL, 0, true); setcookie("basket[id]", $newID, time()+60*60*24, "/", SECURE_SITE_URL, 1, false); Where SITE_URL = SECURE_SITE_URL = ...

How to speed up mssql_connect() in PHP 5.2.X

Hello folks, I'm working on a project where a PHP dialog system is communicating with a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and I need more speed on the PHP side. After profiling my PHP scripts, I discovered that a call to mssql_connect() needs about 200 milliseconds on that particular system. For some simple dialogs this is about 60% of the who...

Test for NULL value in a variable that may not be set

Considering that: The isset() construct returns TRUE if a variable is set and not NULL The is_null() function throws a warning if the variable is not set Is there a way to test whether a variable exists, no matter it's NULL or not, without using the @ operator to suppress the notice? EDIT Together with your first replies, I've be...

bubble chart like family tree

Hi to all, It is possible to make this bubble chart dynamically using flash or even css. If so, is there any other example or tutorial to achieve this. I will use this for networking purposes. Any suggestion would greatly appreciated Thanks in avance Tirso ...

Customizing symfony autogenerated forms

I'm trying to use auto-generated forms in symfony, but I have troubles finding good up to date articles about customization. One of the most important thing is - queries from / updates to several tables. Specificaly, example: there's table tblMain and auto-generated class tblMainForm I use. However, column ForeignKey references to tblAd...

How to create a list of all built-in PHP functions a project makes use of?

Background: PHP allows providers to disable functions (directive "disable_functions"). So in order to get to know if your project is running on a specific server you'll have to check: What built-in (=excluding user-defined) functions is your to-be-deployed project using? Are the functions available on the specific host? (Question (2)...

Accessing class constant from abstract method in PHP5

Hey guys, I'm trying to get the value of a constant of an extending class, but in a method of the abstract class. Like this: abstract class Foo { public function method() { echo self::constant; } } class Bar extends Foo { const constant = "I am a constant"; } $bar = new Bar(); ...

PHP / NuSoap - How can I format the output XML?

Hiya, I'm using PHP and NuSOAP to create a webservice to serve up various bit of my database to an external application. The service works just fine, but I need to tweak the XML output from this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="http:/...

Open new SQL Server connection in PHP

I have an open SQL Server connection and need to open and close another while maintaining the first connection. I CANNOT hold onto the resource ID for the original. Connection A (may or may not be open) Open connection B Perform a few queries using connection B Close connection B Continue working with connection A ...

multiple wordpress installs, getting data from wp-2 while inside wp-1

I have a site with 4 wordpress installs, (no need for wp-MU) x4 databases, with each a unique username and pass... i will call these wp1=mainsite wp2=childsite wp3=childsite wp4=childsite In wp1, there is a page, with tabs, which should load recent posts from the wp2, wp3, wp4 installs, this page is using a custom template...

Help with namespaced array of objects in PHPSOAP

Hi i am trying to make a phpSoap Client request to server that expects message to be in below format. I have tried may options got it to work to some extent when there is one name spaced Datum sat_system 10029 [email protected] 987asdfghbv5633 2009-11-22T11:04:30.000Z sat_system ...

Reload Jquery UI Parent Dialog

All, When I click a link on a web page, a JQuery UI Dialog opens up and it loads some ajax content into it. If I click a link inside this dialog, it opens up a child dialog. When I click "OK" in the child dialog, I want the child dialog to close and refresh the ajax content in the parent dialog. How can I do this? Thanks ...

What are getter and setters? PHP5

What are getters and setters in PHP5? Can someone give me a good example with an explanation? ...

Getting ’ instead of an apostrophe(') in PHP

I'v tried converting the text to or from utf8… didn't seem to help Im getting: "It’s Getting the Best of Me" It should be: "It’s Getting the Best of Me" Im getting this data from a url ->;ep=20x02&amp;exact=0 ...

S3 File Management Skeleton - PHP/MySQL

I am looking for a skeleton framework to manage files on S3 utilizing php/mysql. My hope is that someone has already created it and I can pull from it instead of building it all myself. I am thinking something like Anyone know of a open source solution that I can pull from? ...

submit date through list button and convert that in date/time field

hi friends, i wish to enter the date time values by using drop down list , and after that i want to convert that in date/time field,, please sugest me th ecode , thanxs in advance !!! ...

Extract image from the content

I want to extract images from the_content() and want to display first images from post on index.php and want to display all images on single.php. To do this I apply a filter on the_content(): <?php /***************************************************************************** Post Summary Filter - Grap Image Thumbnails, Strip Tags, ...

How to create php Soap Client from wsdl with array of complex types

Hi I am looking for help with phpSoap Client call. Server is exepecting message in the following format. <upd:Profile> <satsystem>sys1</satsystem> <Id>10029</Id> <email>[email protected]</email> <msgId>987asdfghbv5633</msgId> <timestamp>2009-11-22T11:04:30.000Z</timestamp> ...