
php http pipeline

Hi! I'm trying to get timestamp on beginRequest and on endRequest when processing an http request using php. I know how to do it on asp.net (using httpModules and the finction beginRequest and endRequest). Does anyone know if this option is available on php and guide me how to do it? (I'm not looking for a solution, just some guiding or...

How exactly does a python (django) request happen? does it have to reparse all the codebase?

With a scripting language like python (or php), things are not compiled down to bytecode like in .net or java. So does this mean that on every request, it has to go through the entire application and parse/compile it? Or at least all the code required for the given call stack? ...

why does task X, appear two times for unit 0 at clock cycles 4 and 5?

why does task X, appear two times for unit 0 at clock cycles 4 and 5? have to make a program for the arragnment of the pipeline, but i need to know the above. is it just because the author wants it to repeat?? the picture. link to picture from image shack http://a.imageshack.us/img130/1228/exampleoffeedbackpipeli.jpg ...

Is there a way to force pipelining in HttpWebRequest without setting ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit?

I would like to send multiple HTTP requests to a server, using pipelining where possible, and otherwise using multiple TCP connections. However, HttpWebRequest seems to automatically use multiple connections if ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit is bigger than 1. I can only get it to pipeline if I set this to 1. Is there an alter...

http 1.1 pipeling client implementation

Hi, What would be the programming model for an http 1.1 client implementation with support for pipeling? I am interested in pipeling POSTs. ...

How write a file to STDIN Stream using DELPHI?

Hi, I need to write a FILE to STDIN. This FILE going to be accessed by another EXE that goig to write the STDIN stream in a microcontroller. Could you give me a help how to write the file to STDIN using Delphi 2010? Thanks very much! Abraão ...

Howto use BizTalk TestableReceivePipeline when having a schema which has an imported schema

Under Microsoft BizTalk 2009, we want to test the ReceivePipeline(which has a Flat file disassembler) with the built-in TestableReceivePipeline class. It works fine if we use one single Schema, but it throws an error (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The 'ABC' element is not declared.) when we try to use a schema(Schema1) which has ...

In a shell (bash) How can I execute more than one command in a pipeline?

I'm trying pipe the output of an awk command through more than one command at once in a Bash shell, following my knowledge I'm coming up with this: awk '$13 ~ /type/ {print $15}' filename.txt | (wc -l || sort -u) I want the result of the awk command to be both counted AND sorted, how can I accomplish that? Even with && command it does...

How do I use output from awk in another command?

So I need to convert a date to a different format. With a bash pipeline, I'm taking the date from the last console login, and pulling the relevant bits out with awk, like so: last $USER | grep console | head -1 | awk '{print $4, $5}' Which outputs: Aug 08 ($4=Aug $5=08, in this case.) Now, I want to take 'Aug 08' and put it into a d...

Efficient XSLT pipeline, with params, in Java

Hi, The top answer to this question describes a technique to implement an efficient XSLT pipeline in Java: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1312406/efficient-xslt-pipeline-in-java-or-redirecting-results-to-sources Unfortunately, while Transformer seems to expose an API for setting XSLT parameters, this does not seem to have any eff...

How to address f# pipeline parameter by name?

I'm trying to do something like seq { 1..100 } |> Seq.sum |> pown 2 It doesn't even compile cause pown expects 'T^' argument as first argument and i'm giving it as a second one, as this is default behavior of pipeline. By googling i didnt find the way to make "pown" use the param carried by pipeline as it's first arg. Maybe it has som...

Mips Architecture Pipelining forwarding

Mips Architecture Pipeline fowarding: Out of ten instructions, I don't understand these two Can someone explain? First one: Pipeline register containing source instruction: EX/MEM Opcode of Source instruction: Register-register ALU Pipeline register containing destination instruction: ID/EX Opcode of destination instruction: Register...

Using pipes to delete all occurences of Thumbs.db file from Ubuntu Laptop

I have a laptop installed with Ubuntu 10.04. I migrated some of my files from one computer to this computer. But there are some files like Thumbs.db file whose every occurrence I want to get rid of. I tried using locate Thumbs.db | rm But dis didn't worked out (and clearly it should not). Then I tried using following, but quite expe...

How to simplify this xproc pipeline?

I've just started digging into XProc (using Calabash). I have a series of XSLT transformations I want to apply to a single input document to produce a single output document. I was previously using a simple Python script to drive the transformations, but it seemed like XProc might be a good fit. The pipeline below seems to work for me...

Pipeline metacharacter in variable in bash

In my bash script I need to check if logger binary exists. If so, I pipe the application output to it. Edit-------- | It needs to be piping, the application should work permanently. --------------- I tried to put the pipeline stuff to a variable and use it later. Something like: if [ -e /usr/bin/logger ]; then OUT=| /usr/bin/logger ...

gstreamer pipeline that was working now requiring a bunch of queue components, why?

I have a C program that records video and audio from a v4l2 source into flv format. I noticed that the program did not work on newer versions of ubuntu. I decided to try to run the problamatic pipeline in gst-launch and try to find the simplest pipeline that would reproduce the problem. Just focusing on the video side I have reduced it t...

Pluggable vector processing units in Clojure

I'm developing some simulation software in Clojure that will need to process lots of vector data (basically originating as offsets into arrays of Java floats, length typically in 10-10000 range). Large numbers of these vectors will need to go through various processing steps - e.g. normalising the vectors, concatenating together two stre...

bulding pipelines on lsf (load sharing facility)

I am trying to build a pipeline of jobs to be submitted to lsf job queues but the documentation left me somewhat guessing as to how this can be implemented. Let's say I have 3 jobs A, B and C, where B depends on A being finished successfully and C depends on B. I know about the -w option for bsub, with which I can define a dependency su...

using an asp.net IHttpModule to read data sent after headers without content-length...

Hi, I'm writing an application within asp.net MVC 3 Beta. The application will receive an HTTP GET request with various headers. After this request the client sends 8 bytes of data. The client does NOT set a Content-Length header so as far as I can tell asp.net ignores the data that follows the headers. I need this data! My Request...