
Viewing results of a pipelined function in SQL*Plus or Oracle SQL Developer

How can I view the results returned by a pipelined function in Oracle SQL Developer ? I'm invoking the function using a simple select..from dual like select piaa_extract.FN_PIAA_EXTRACT('01-JAN-00','01-JAN-12') FROM DUAL and the result I get is IQCFINAL.REC_PIAA(IQCFINAL.REC_PIAA,IQCFINAL.REC_PIAA,.....,IQCFINAL.REC_PIAA) Allround...

Is using a SELECT inside a pipelined PL/SQL table function allowed?

The docs for pipelined functions say that DML is not allowed when they are used in a SQL statement (typically a SELECT), and in most examples the pipelined functions are used for data generation or transformation (accepting a custor as parameter), but not issuing any DML statements. Now, technically, it is possible to use SELECTs withou...

PL/SQL - use same pipelined function twice in the same query

I'm trying to use a pipelined function to save on time and reduce redundancy in my queries. The function in question returns data from a reference table based on some input. Records in the main data table I am selecting from have multiple columns that all refer to the reference table. The problem I run into is that when I try to use the ...

how to use oracle package to get rid of Global Temp table

I have a sample query like below: INSERT INTO my_gtt_1 (fname, lname) (select fname, lname from users) In my effort to getting rid of temporary tables I created a package: create or replace package fname_lname AS Type fname_lname_rec_type is record ( fname varchar(10), lname varchar(10) ); fname_lname_rec fname_lname_rec_type Type...

Architecture: Pipelining concepts

Learning architecture and assembly language Can someone please explain in plain english what this is suppose to do? First one: Pipeline register containing source instruction: EX/MEM Opcode of Source instruction: Register-register ALU Pipeline register containing destination instruction: ID/EX Opcode of destination instruction: Regist...