
pocket ie renders carriage returns in html?

We're writing a series of screens designed to be used on Pocket IE, on a batch of handheld scanner units from Motorola (aka Symbol). As is typical, I am trying to layout my HTML in something of a readable format, which new controls on new lines, instead of just running my code all together into one big giant unreadable mess. Here is an...

Pocket IE has some maximum width for textboxes?

I have a page running on WinMo 6.1 Pocket IE. It seems I cannot make a textbox wider than 219 pixels, is this the case? I've tried width="100%" width="300px" style="width: 100%;" style="width: 300px;" columns="50" but no matter what I do, the textbox will not grow beyond 219 pixels wide, which looks kinda dorky on a 320x screen. Do...

Pocket IE onmousedown onmousemove onmouseup ?

Hello all, I have a control which I wrote for capturing signatures on a web page, by using onmousedown, onmousemove and onmouseup on a div to track the mouse, and capture points comprising a signature. Now we need this to work on Windows Mobile 6.5 powered devices... but it seems that the div element does not support the mouse events i...

Accessing WinMo6 GPS through Pocket IE

Hello, Does anyone know if it is possible to access the GPS on a Windows Mobile device through Pocked Internet Explorer, similar to how you do it on a blackberry and iphone (javascript)? If so, how do you do it? Thanks ...

set onclick event for image on Pocket IE

The code works on IE and Firefox but not on Pocket IE on windows mobile. Does anyone have an idea how I can trigger an event when clicking on an image on Pocket IE? <input type="image" src="img/speaker.png" onclick="alert('bla')"> I also tried <img src="img/speaker.png" onclick="alert('bla')"/> does not work either. ...

.Net Compact framework's httpwebrequest works differently than the complete .Net Framework ?

Hi, I am developing a Windows Mobile 6 application on the .Net Compact framework 2 platform. I am trying to develop a http client which communicates with a normal tcp server. When I open the request stream with HttpWebRequest wr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Co...