
what is the difference between a view model and a data transfer object?

I'm basing this question on Fowler PoEAA. Given your familiarity with this text, aren't the ViewModels used in ASP.NET MVC the same as DTOs? Why or why not? Thank you. ...

Re: PoEAA Book, by Fowler: Why the bi-directional association between Footballer Mapper and Bowler Mapper in the 'Inheritance Mapper Pattern' Class Diagram

This question is about a specific UML diagram in the book called Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, by Martin Fowler. Why is there a 'bi-directional association' between Footballer Mapper and Bowler Mapper in the 'Inheritance Mapper' Class Diagram on page 302? ...

Re: PoEAA Book, by Fowler: p.283 (Single Table Inheritance Example - Updating an Object)- How does the row[] array get into the db?

This question is about a specific example (in the book called Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, by Martin Fowler) on page 283 - (Single Table Inheritance Example - Updating an Object) I can see Mapper::Update() method invoking CricketerMapper::Save() method, which First, invokes AbstractPlayerMapper::Save() to assign ro...

OOP App Architecture: Which layer does a lazy loader sit in?

I am planning the implementation of an Inheritance Mapper pattern for an application component http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/inheritanceMappers.html One feature it needs to have is for a domain object to reference a large list of aggreageted items (10,000 other domain objects) So I need some kind of lazy loading collection to be p...

Is it possible to implement Separated Interface in PHP?

I recently asked a question regarding the resolution of dependencies between Unit of Work and Data Mapper classes: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3012657/dependency-injection-and-unit-of-work-pattern - (which was answered by Gabor de Mooij - thx) In PoEAA, Martin Fowler suggests using Separated Interface to manage these dependencie...

Should all Front Classes use singleton?

Consider Martin Fowler's Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, and the pattern of Front Controller: http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/frontController.html Apparently, it uses the singleton pattern. Well, I have a package of classes in php application that work together (like Zend's Controller Package) and there is one class t...