
How to Control the dimensions of a pop-up window in AS3 and Java

Hi, I need to open a pop up window from a SWF using actionscript 3.0 and Java.. I found some code to open the the window (it works great in all browsers), but I'm not sure how to control the size dimensions of the pop window. I'm not that familiar with Java. Any ideas.. Here's my code: public class TestPopup extends Sprite { privat...

Using javascript to open a popup window

I would like to open a popup window using javascript in my c#.net app. This is the code in the body tag in my webform <script language=javascript> function openWindow(strEmail) { window.open('CheckEmail.aspx?email=' + strEmail + , 'Check Email','left=100,top=100,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=680,height=350'); r...

How to use Javascript to popup a new window with NEARLY the same html as its parent window

I want to create multiple versions of print-friendly pages from a single page. I am considering to do it in this way: placing several buttons on the original page and, clicking one button will popup a new window with the same html as its parent window, but with some modifications (e.g., set display attribute of some DIV's to none). It ...

AttachToIE seems to be non-existent in the WatiN 2.0 RC

IE.AttachToIE(Find.ByUrl("my url") seems to be non-existent in the WatiN 2.0 RC candidate. It does exist in 1.3. How can I fix it in 2.0? ...

Javascript appending onload to a popup window

I'm trying to append an onload event to a popup window in the following manner: var explorerWindow = window.open(PARAMS...); explorerWindow.onload = function() {window.opener.unlockObj(id);} The idea is to make the button that generates the popup window readonly, making it usable again once the popup window has loaded all of its conte...

Display message when user leaves site

Hi, I'm looking for a way to display a message to the user if he leaves my site after only viewing one page. I found this (http://www.pgrs.net/2008/1/30/popup-when-leaving-website) clever solution, but it has a few flaws: staying_in_site = false; Event.observe(document.body, 'click', function(event) { if (Event.element(event).tagNa...

Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog

I'm trying to get a completely custom Dialog or PopupWindow, without any of the default Android UI controls (title, background, buttons, whatever). Is this possible at all? I've spent hours searching for this, but no luck... It seems like this should be easily possible, but I can't find it. Preferably this would be by inflating a View ...

Do the HtmlWindow returned from the HtmlPage.PopupWindow can .Invoke or .Eval javascript

Creating a separate PopupWindow that opens another web browser give me as return value a HtmlWindow object that is the same object type as the static "HtmlPage.Window" of the silverlight project. That object type provides the "Invoke" and "Eval" methods. I want to evaluate a javascript that can be located on my Silverlight code in a str...

Print a specific image from webpages without popup window or new window?

Hi, Is there any possible to print a specific image from webpages without popup window or new window? Suppose i have four images in my application. Just i need to print second image only. And also i want to implement large page like some textarea, some text box, more images etc... So many code available with pop up window or new window...

Can I set how long a popup window has focus?

I have a side navigation bar and when you click the links it submits a form. The forms action opens another page ( target _blank). My problem is I have to open a popup window before this blank page opens and keep it open long enough for the user to read it or atleast see it first and close it if they wish. I created a function that opens...

Is there a wordpress pluggin that displays a page in a lightbox style window?

Is there a wordpress pluggin that displays a page in a lightbox style window? ...

android: how do i make a sub view apear on top of an existing activity?

I am writing an app that allows a user to access their corporate voice mail system. the voice mails are displayed in a list view and when one is selected they are given a menu. when the user selects "listen" i would like a small media player to pop up at the bottom of the screen on top of the existing ListView (similar to how the soft ke...

Android popup window dismissal

Hello, I have a popup window displaying when I click an item in my list activity. The problem is that the back key doesn't close it. I tried catching the back key in my list activity but it doesn't register it...then I tried registering a onkeylistener to the view I'm passing to my popup window. Like this: pop.setOnKeyListener(new View...

Android custom dialog like 'Quick Contact'

Hello all, I want to create a custom dialog like Quick Contact in contact app or the one in official Twitter app. When i click on a button, it will be opened above or below the button. http://londatiga.net/images/qc-tw.jpg Quick Contact & Twitter I've read the source code of Contact app but it seems to use internal API. The alternati...

Android PopupWindow blur or dim background

I would like to be able to either blur or dim the background when I show my popupwindow using popup.showAtLocation, and unblur/dim the background when popup.dismiss is called. I have tried applying layout params FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND and FLAG_DIM_BEHIND to my activity, and this appears to just blur and dim the background as soon my app is st...

Janrain RPXnow (Engage) (https://rpxnow.com/) bypasses popup-blockers... how?

Basically I need to open a login window in a popup, so that it doesn't get blocked by popup blocker. Similar to what Janrain does in it's RPXnow solution. How do they do that? ...

Showing a taskbar baloon tip popup message in a remote computer's desktop in the LAN

Hope you all have noticed the messages that appears on the desktop as a pop up near the windows taskbar; in situations when New Windows Updates are available, when a print job is sent to a printer etc. I want to send a message to another computer in my LAN, and it should appear as a popup near taskbar as I explained above. Is there any...

How to make MapView height take the Android status bar into account?

I have clickable icons on a map showing a PopupWindow just above the icon when clicked. However, if the icon is on the topmost part of the map the PopupWindow will be hidden under the Android Status Bar. The PopupWindow will automatically adjust to the right and left edges of the screen, and also to the top edge but doesn't take the sta...

How to show a PopoupWindow at the click location?

I'm trying to show in Android a PopupWindow at the click location. I read that Android does not support getting the click coordinates for some reason. I want to do something like the little popup that appears on the contacts on Android 2.1+ when you select a person's icon and a window appears at the row location showing different optio...

ListView in PopupWindow,ContextMenu not popping up on Long click

fileListView = new FileListController(this); fileListView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { pWindow.dismiss(); } }); pWindow = new PopupWindow(fileListView); pWindow.setWindowLayoutMode(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); pWindow...