
What are the best options for NAT port forwarding?

I'd like to make it easy for users to forward a port on their NAT to their local machine for my C++ app. I'd like to make this work on OSX & Windows. Linux would be a great bonus, but Linux users are probably more comfortable forwarding ports manually, so it is less of a concern. LGPL type code is OK, but I can't use anything that is ...

How to forward the TCP/IP traffic of a process in Windows XP?

(The curly lines with dots represent a network route.) Having a process called "foo.exe", is there a way to forward everything it communicates over TCP/IP to a forwarding proxy located elsewhere? This forwarding should not reflect to other processes. Another question: if there are multiple network adapters, is it possible to force a ...

Forwarding only on a single port 8080 to localhost (windows) possible?

Hello, I know how to set up a local webserver using xampp on windows... I enter my alias and target on the hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) and then add a respective entry on my apache vhosts config file. This way, assuming that my webserver is listening to port 80, I can for example map example.com to my local webserv...

Is Port Redirection/Forwarding (i.e. 8443 -> 3389) for Windows Vista/Server 2008 possible with the built-in firewall?

Is it possible to execute port redirection/forwarding with the built-in firewall (or some other software) for Vista/Windows 2008? I want to forward port 8443 to 3389 (HTTPS forwarded to Remote Desktop port) for RDP access to a server from places where the normal RDP port is blocked. I can do this with a hardware firewall at work, but I ...

C# Raw Sockets Port Forwarding

I am trying to create a simple C# app which does port forwarding, and need to know how to use the IP_HDRINCL socket option to try to fake out the receiving end to think the connection is really to the source. Any examples would be greatly appreciated. ...

Is there any way to overcome the router port forwarding on tcp/ip application

I need to connect to computer over tcp/ip i have the external ip but without port forwarding I can't connect to the server . Is there any way to configure the server to accepts connection on the external ip and port define by the server without configuring the router ? (how does emule does it ? or other peer to peer application ) ...

How do I use Capistrano with a server that is behind a firewall?

Hi All, I have a bit of a situation. I've consumed about fourty-eleven different tutorials/books/videos on Capistrano, and none of them touch on out-of-the-norm cases. They all assume straightforward setups -- which, in my experience, is rarely the case. Basically my situation is as follows: 1) I am developing the application on a s...

Router Port Forwarding and HttpContext.Current.Request.Url

Here's the scenario. We have a router that port forwards requests for our different test sites. For example http://www.ourSite.com:8051 forwards from the router to a web server that is on port 80. The test web sites are virtual directories of one web site running on IIS6 (Windows Server 2003). Part of our application send out e-mails th...

How to forward port to router using python...

I am building python p2p application like p2p instant messenger. I am communicating with other peers using TCP/IP connection. I do not want client to do port forwarding. When application starts it should check whether port is forwarded to router if not it should forward it to router. Is it possible to programaticaly forward the port to ...

How skype work without port forwarding

I am designing a p2p application which works on port 30000. My router is not UPnP so I required to forward a port to router. But Skype a another p2p application works without port forwarding on my pc. When I analyzed it with wireshark I found its using UDP port 48980, 58544. I am using c++. There is a library in python here which does ...

rails Rake and mysql ssh port forwarding.

Hello, I need to create a rake task to do some active record operations via a ssh tunnel. The rake task is run on a remote windows machine so I would like to keep things in ruby. This is my latest attempt. desc "Syncronizes the tablets DB with the Server" task(:sync => :environment) do require 'rubygems' require...

Will html5 websockets be crippled by firewalls?

I'm extremely excited about html5's websockets spec but I have a concern. These days everyone is operating off of some network, with routers (wired/wireless) that have built in firewalls, windows has a built in firewall too. With that in mind when the server attempts to connect back to the browser that started the websocket handshake...

Port Forwarding For Online Games/Other Services?

I've noticed recently that I don't have to forward ports for mmorpg's that I play. I'm thinking about working on a game that people can play online and had a question. Why is this the case given its a two way socket connection that is constantly sending data back and forth? Doesn't their server need to get through my firewall in ord...

How to let Server Notify Client Behind Firewall

I have the case where I have a public facing service sitting out on the internet and I would like the ability for the server to contact specifically design embedded devices that are sitting in normal home networks when required. I know that the devices can poll the server to get updates etc but 1) There will be a lag between when server...

Test if port open and forwarded using PHP

Full Disclosure: There's a similar question here. Is there any way I can test if a particular port is open and forwarded properly using PHP? Specifically, how do I go about using a socket to connect to a given user with a given port? An Example of this is in the 'Custom Port Test' section of WhatsMyIP.org/ports. ...

Similar to SSH Local Forwarding

Hi; As you know SSH protocol supports up to some max value of local forwarding and it is a really good feature. My question is: is there any similar project just making this local forwarding thing? I do not need all this bunch of features coming with SSH.. Thanks ...

cant do port forwarding ro my webrick server to access it from the net!!

i am developing a facebook app and i am using for that facebooker plugin and webrick server. i have configured correctly my router to froward ports to my machine for 2 ports (80 and 3000) the apache server can be accessed from the net http://ip:80 amd the webrick server can http://ip:3000 , i dont understand why , please help me. ...

need to use git behind firewall: trying ssh tunneling

Hi, I am trying to use ssh port forwarding to defeat corporate firewall: ssh git@GIT_SERVER -L9418:GIT_SERVER:9418 and in another terminal I run git clone git://localhost:repositories/project.git But I get the following error: Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/aboxer/tmp/glucosia/.git/ fatal: Unable to look up lo...

How do I get netcat to accept connections from outside the LAN?

I'm using netcat as a backend to shovel data back and forth for a program I'm making. I tested my program on the local network, and once it worked I thought it would be a matter of simply forwarding a port from my router to have my program work over the internet. Alas! This seems not to be the case. If I start netcat listening on port 6...

How to correctly relay TCP traffic between sockets?

I'm trying to write some Python code that will establish an invisible relay between two TCP sockets. My current technique is to set up two threads, each one reading and subsequently writing 1kb of data at a time in a particular direction (i.e. 1 thread for A to B, 1 thread for B to A). This works for some applications and protocols, but...