
DotNetNuke CSS problem on page postback?

We're having a very strange problem with css in DotNetNuke. It seems that with any of our custom modules, if a user clicks to postback 9 times the skin css is removed and the page becomes rather ugly. Looking at the source the tags with the urls to the css files are gone. After one more click making 10 postbacks, any custom css files w...

ASP.Net Treeview: Strange postback behavior

I have a ASP.NET treeview populated with custom treenodes (ExtensionRangeTreeNode subclassed from TreeNode). On postback the treeview is populated with TreeNodes, not my custom treenode class. What's up with this? Thanks, BP ...

Editing markup of an ASP.NET control then saving on PostBack

I am using jquery to append or remove a <ListItem> (rendered as <option>) from the <ListBox> (rendered as <select multiple="multiple">). The problem arises when I try to save on PostBack. The correct information is saved to the database. However, when the page is loaded on PostBack instead of the new data from the database being loaded...

ASP.Net 2.0: Browser Back Button - Invalid postback or callback argument

I have a simple page that, on the initial load, databinds to a GridView. This gridview has sorting and paging enabled, and is also surrounded by an UpdatePanel. When the user does the following, I receive this error: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in conf...

FileUpload control clears itself

Hi all, I'm having some trouble with the FileUpload control and was wondering if I could get some help. On my page I have a FileUpload control, and a drop down list. So the user browses to the file they want, and then select an option from the drop down (which enables some checkboxes that are also on the page for use, depending on...

C# How to raise PostBack on Timer.Tick event?

I use UpdatePanel with DataList element inside. I want to update the contents from DB every 10 secunds. I noticed that updating occures only after the postback. I did the code like <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server"> <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Timer1" E...

How to have a form data-bound to an object with losing its values on postback

Hi I use ADO.NET Entity-Framework, I have a page that is data-bound to an entity variable in the code file. The hierarchy of the item is Person.Orders I want the user to add/remove orders to this Person entity (Person.Orders.Add(order)), The problem is that while the entity is not saved yet, once the user makes a post back, the variabl...

Preventing iframe postback from calling jQuery 'ready' function on parent

I have an an iframe within a jQuery tab layout. I am using the iframe to upload an image, to simulate a AJAX file upload. It seems whenever my iframe postbacks, it causes the parent page's $(document).ready to execute, resetting the current tab I am positioned on. Any ideas on how to prevent this? function uploadDone() { var d... problem with F5 after postback, cuz it does what it should

i have a web form with a detail and a list view on it, the user fill the data in the fields of the detail view presses the "save" button, and everything is ok for the moment, but if he is pressing F5 after this operation a new record is going to be inserted in the DB, cuz the postback is repeated anybody knows how this could be avoided ?...

ASP.Net PostbackURL doesn't work if I put in Javascript Validation

I have a usercontrol in ASP.Net featuring a button that I use to postback. This button also has some Javascript validation that is done before it processes the event. Today I tried to postback to another URL by setting the PostBackURL property of the button. But it didn't work and the page kept posting back to itself. So I did some inve...

Does ASP.NET PostBack keep content secure

Okay, I'm still new to the whole ASP.NET and exactly how it posts back to its page. But I was wondering if it leaves a trace of what content is currently on the page. For example, if I have a Social Security text box, and wanted to encrypt it and ship it off to another server I would do that through a hidden server script after posti...

stringbuilder append override my record if (!IsPostback).

How to avoid overriding? public partial class test : System.Web.UI.Page { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { sb.Append("one"); lbl.Text = sb.ToString(); } } protected void cmdSb_Click(obj...

Disable jquery call on postback

i have a change password control within a a collapable div controled via jquery, when the user clicks change password if there are any validation errors validation controls are displayed. However, because the div is collapsed by default when the postback occurs the div is collapsed so you have to click the change my password to s...

ASP.NET 3.5 :No Postback triggered for button click

I have an ASP.NET page developed in VS 2008. there is a text box and login button.Required fireld validator and Validtion Group controls are associate for validation.I wrote code for the Button click evenet handler too.But the Button click is not getting fired.There is no post back happening. Can any one tell me why ? HTM lmarkup <asp...

How can I update an UpdatePanel in a control from the page?

I have a modal on a page that also contains a user control. When clicking the 'OK' button in the modal, I would like to update an updatepanel that is contained within the user control on the page. I have done this before but am having a brain-fart at the moment. Currently the 'OK' button on the modal does a full page post, I'd like t...

Post Back response from PHP to javascript [SOLVED]

Dear developer, I'm new to forms and post data ... so I don't know how solve this problem! I've a php page (page1) with a simple form: <form method="post" action="/page2.php"> <input type="search" value="E-Mail Address" size="30" name="email" /> <input type="submit" value="Find E-Mail" /> </form> How you can notice ... this form pos...

ASP.NET VS2008 C# - dropdown list - postback

How can use a dropdown list without the autopostback=true. The value on the server is not being changed according to the one selected from the client side. As I already stated I do not wish that for each dropdown I have the autopostback will trigger a post back. ...

Postpone Postback For 3 Seconds?

I have a usercontrol with a couple of drop downs Lists and a button, I want the user to click the button (Which response.redirects depending on the selection in the DDL's). Now instead of redirecting straight away, I want to display a little loading icon for 3 seconds and then redirect... Has anyone done anything like this? ...

c# Delegates across postback

When i store a delegate (that points to a page method) in session state, retrive it after a postback and execute it the target of the delegate is the old page object and not the current one, is there anyway to change the target of the delegate so that it executes the method on the current page object ? I have thought about using a stati...

LinkButton (inside a Panel, but outside of UpdatePanel) OnClick event not causing parent page PostBack?

Using VS2005, ASP.Net 2.0, AjaxControlToolKit I have a LinkButton in a Panel that contains an UpdatePanel with a GridView. The link button is outside the UpdatePanel. The OnClick event has this code: protected void lnkOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (GridViewRow row in grdProductSearch.Rows) { CheckBox c...