
Python: urllib2 multipart/form-data and proxies

The Objective: A script which cycles through a list of proxies and sends a post request, containing a file to a PHP page on my server, which then calculates delivery time. It's a pretty useless script, but I am using it to teach myself about urllib2. The Problem: So far I have got multipart/form-data sending correctly using Poster, but ...

Is there a poster for Qt documentation?

I'm looking for a cheet-sheet style poster (or better posters) for a whole (parts of) Qt library. Is there such thing or something similar? ...

A posterframe created with PHP won't work.

I am using PHP to create a poster frame for the Quicktime plugin, and all I am getting is Quicktime's broken plugin icon. I am positive that the URL is correct. (a copy-paste to the URL box works) The HTTP content-type header is equal to "image/jpeg". Does anyone have any ideas? ...

How to invoke an method using firefox addon poster?

hi, I have a method with signature public int create(string name, string loc) { } in Default.aspx page codebehind,which will accept name,loc as parameters then creates a record in the DB with those values and returns the id of the newly created record. I am trying to make a http post request to it using "Poster" with t...

Getting isMultipartContent = false while using python poster library

Hi, I'm using the python poster library to try to upload a form containing including an image to a servlet. Locally, it runs fine, but when I deploy to app engine, it doesn't recognize it as multipart content. ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request) returns false Here's how I'm using the poster library: register_openers() da...

.net mvc keybindings poster

Hi all, I've been looking for some mvc keybinding posters but can only seem to find ones for VS 2010 which dont include any MVC specific things. Is there any out there? Or what would be the easiest way to make one for myself? I'm using resharper as well but that also doesnt seem to have a specific poster for mvc. ...