
Using PowerShell class to invoke a "[namespace.class]::method" style command

Hello, I created a powershell object via .net to invoke commands. When I invoke normal commands like 'Get-Process' I had no problems: ps.AddCommand("Get-Process").AddParameter(...).Invoke() but I'm not able to invoke a .net method with the syntax "[namespace.class]::method", just to make an example to invoke [System.IO.File]::Exists(...

Is there a shorthand form to get variables' values with numbered scopes?

Is there any shorter way of doing this in Powershell v2.0? & { $a = 1 ; & { $a = 2 ; & { get-variable -name a -scope 2 } } } ... like, for instance, this?: & { $a = 1 ; & { $a = 2 ; & { $2:a } } } ...

Make Excel Defined Names within a worksheet to be global

Hi, I wrote Powershell script to copy a worksheet from a workbook A to another workbook B. The worksheet contains define names for ranges within that sheet. Originally, the defined names are global in workbook A, ie. can be referenced from any worksheets within workbook A. But now, after copy to worksheet B, the defined names are limit...

How do I send a Carriage Return with Windows Netcat?

I want to type directly into the Powershell prompt too, not pipe in a text file. Foo`r doesn't work for me. For example: echo "RJ`r`n" | .\nc.exe -u 2639 but what I'd really like to do is just .\nc.exe -u 2639 then start typing into the prompt. ...

easiest way to read all lines from all files in a directory in powershell

This expression seems to work: gci . | % { gc $_} This also seem to work as well (I suspect it is a little slower): gci . | Select-String . Is there a better way of writing a expression to dump all lines from all files out in a directory? Thanks ...

XML Document Depth?

How to find the depth of the xml file using powershell/xpath? consider the below xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <bookstore> <book> <title>Harry Potter</title> <price>25.99</price> </book> <book> <title>Learning XML</title> <price>49.95</price> </book> </bookstore> depth of the above xml document is 3 (bookst...

run windows command from bash with output to standard out?

Folks, I'm using git tools such as git bisect run which need to call a command to build and test my project. My command to do is nant which is a windows program. Or a build.cmd script which calls nant. It's easy to get the bash to call the nant build to run. But the hard part is how to get the standard output written to a file? I eve...

Get-QADComputer -LdapFilter & variables

Can I use a variable in and LdapFilter with Get-QADComputer? i.e.: $31DaysAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(-31) $ft = $31DaysAgo.ToFileTime() $StComps = Get-QADComputer -SizeLimit 0 -IncludeAllProperties -SearchRoot ` 'DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL' -LdapFilter '(&(objectcategory=computer) ` (pwdLastSet<=$ft)(|(operatingsystem=Windows 2000 Profess...

How to call an ASP.NET WebMethod using PowerShell?

It seems like ASP.NET WebMethods are not "web servicey" enough to work with New-WebServiceProxy. Or maybe it is, and I haven't figured out how to initialize it? So instead, I tried doing it manually, like so: $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient $wc.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials $url = "http://www.dom...

How to set foreground Window from Powershell event subscriber action

I have a FileSystemWatcher instance running in the background of my PoSh session watching for changes to text files. A PoSh event subscriber is attached to this event and, when fired, it launches a console program by calling Start-Process. This program steals de focus from the current foreground window (my PoSh console). Calling SetForeg...

Feature Activation

We want to activate the existing future for more than 100+ site-collections, what would be the right choice? can we achieve this through Powershell? ...

Why does PowerShell fail to build my .net solutions? ("file is being used by another process")

I've written a PowerShell script to build several .net solutions one after the other. It simply makes several calls to tfget (to get latest) followed by devenv.exe (to build the .sln files). Here's the code: tfget -item $SolutionPath -overwrite -recurse -ev +errors ... $out = invoke-expression "devenv.com /rebuild debug $SolutionPath" ...

Getting the CVE ID Property of an update from WSUS API via Powershell

I am writing a script in Powershell to get the update information from each computer and correlate the information with another System which identifies updates by CVE ID. I have discovered that there is a "CVEIDs" property for an update in WSUS, which is documented in MSDN, but I have no idea how to access the property. Retrieving the CV...

How can I make PowerShell run the original Start-Process cmdlet rather than the PSCX Start-Process cmdlet?

I have PowerShell v2.0 installed and on top of that, PSCX is installed. PSCX is the PowerShell Community Extensions (http://pscx.codeplex.com/Wikipage). It seems that I have two cmdlets called Start-Process installed and I'm guessing one is the original and the other is from PSCX. When I invoke Start-Process, the PSCX cmdlet is made to...

What are the reasons to use dos batch programs in Windows?

Question What would be a good (ideally, technical) reason to ever program some non-trivial task in dos batch language on a modern Windows system as opposed to downloading either PowerShell, or ActiveState Perl? To be more specific, I make the following two assumptions for the duration of this question: anyone technical enough to be a...

How do I set the Execute Permissions for an IIS6 website with Powershell using WMI?

In inetmgr you can set the property I desire by going to Home Directory -> Application Settings -> Execute Permissions -> and setting the drop down to 'Scripts Only'. I'm trying to replicate this behavior in Powershell. The Target OS is Windows Server 2003 running IIS6. Currently I have this simple code to get the site: $Site = get-wmi...

Run R script from Powershell

Hi, In old DOS script, I can run an R script with the following syntax: Rterm.exe --quiet --slave --vanilla < "C:\some_script.R" However, Powershell seems to have reserved "<" for future expansion. I am wondering if there is a direct way to run R script within another powershell script. Thanks ...

Powershell select-object skip multiple lines?

Can i skip multiple lines with the -skip option? gc d:\testfile.txt | select -skip 3 works but what to do if i want to delet line 3-7 ?? ...

Unlocking Locked Out accounts using PowerShell (not with Quest AD cmdlets)

I'm writing a GUI tool using PowerShell that is able to do most AD related tasks with just a user name and button click. I've done all the usual ones (Create / Remove Users, Create / Remove Security & Distribution Groups, Resetting Passwords, etc) but can't find away of unlocking a "Locked Out" account. I'm trying to do this without usi...

Get total size of all Shared Folders (Except Admin Shares) from a list of Servers?

Hi there, I'm looking to calculate the total size of all shared folders (except admin shares) on a number of different servers (consolidating all accessed files to a NAS box for easier backup / restore) but am having a bit of trouble finding a solution. I'm certain this could be done in powershell but I just can't find the right inform...