
Flash/AS3 security - passing movieclip reference to child swf?

I'm seeing some strange behavior with respect to interactions between my preloader and main application classes (all AS3 / Flash CS4). Roughly speaking, here's the flow of events: Preloader.swf loads two things: main.swf, which is the main app, and assets for a custom object consisting of text and images, which are assembled into the ...

AS3 Preloader which loads itself, not an external swf

How can I create a preloader which does this? I have seen many examples of code to load an external swf, but never something that loads itself. Thanks for the help, this is driving me crazy... ...

Flash preloader: Not preloading properly?

The preloader does not show up after 3% like it should have, it shows up when the file has loaded entirely. Can someone help explain to me what I am doing wrong? My code is in the first frame, and it makes use of a rectangle object, and a textfield object. In other preloaders I have seen with code like this, it uses a movieclip with 100...

AS3 preloader sorrows, unable to load symbols from library

I created an AS3 preloader, and placed the code for that on frame one. I then made a symbol, and placed it in the library. It was set to NOT export on frame 1, and the fla's settings had all classes exported on frame two. There were no references to the object until frame two. Then, flash crashed whenever I compiled without the "Expor...

Flex Preloader sometimes doesn't show before it is at 100%

Hi, I have created a Flex custom preloader, exactly like it is done in this example: Now when I implement this, is seems to work fine on my computer in FireFox and Chrome. I publish it on the server, refresh my cache and reload the application and I do get my customized preloader. But on a frie...

How does Flash preload a partially received SWF?

Flash has built-in functionality that displays a preloader of the file being downloaded while that file being downloaded. So, myfile.swf can specify what should be displayed while myfile.swf downloads. Pretty awesome idea. There's three ways I can think of implementing this: The preloader is contained within the first x bytes of the sw...

Preload images for AJAX content using jQueryUI-tabs

So I've got a pretty nice application going using ui-tabs.. problem is, I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to pre-load images in my ajax content before the tab panel is shown. The only way I can think of is to create my own ajax functionality for the loading of tab-panel content, and adding something like this to the ajax call...

Show Loading Bar or animated GIF while CSS and JS files are loading?

Hi all, I've seen this question asked in pieces (just JS or just CSS) on other sites and SO, but I haven't seen a good solid way to do this yet. My situation is fairly common. I'm using .NET MVC and developing in Visual Studio. I have a Site.Master page and multiple views, each with a content placeholder where I specify my JS and CSS ...

Need Recommendation for a Page Loader (html content)

A client has asked for a page loader, something "attractive" to let the visitor know that the content is on its way. This is for standard html content - text, images, etc. I have seen a few on the web, but many of them are dated and rather clunky. I am looking for something that is not a pain to implement but still looks decent. Thanks...

Auto generate SWF in Flex SDK

I'm building my first website with AS3, and I'm using Flash Builder 4 to create/edit my AS classes. I have two .fla files (preloader.fla and portfolio.fla) which I both published as .swc and loaded them into my ActionScript project in FB4 (build path). When I hit debug, FB4 automatically generates a .SWF in bin-debug folder called Preloa...

Persistent Preloader: How to have one preloader show load progress of Flex Container file AND loaded Flash movie and assets

I've built a simple class that implements IPreloaderDisplay and handles all relevant events. How can I have data persist between the preloader and the Application? Even when I stop propagation via stopImmediatePropagation, the Application.application.preloader reference is discarded and I am unable to reach that code via the main appli...

Preloading a .swf from multiple sources

Hi, i have a rather big (34 MB) Flash CS4 AS3 swf being loaded as a whole into a preloader like l.load(new URLRequest("sample.swf")); What are my options to minimize loading time? Can i split the swf and load from several servers? I'm dynamically loading images from the library: var myBitmapDataObject:myBitmapData = new myBitmapDat...

Why would bytesTotal increase in a AS3 preloader?

I'm creating a custom preloader for a Flex app and have noticed the following behavior: when loading, the progress bar goes to 100%, then down then back up, and so on until the app is finished loading. When I put a trace in the dowloadprogress listener, I see that while the app is loading, both bytesLoaded and bytesTotal increase, but n...

How can i display "Loading..." when repeater gets data

I have a data repeater in ASP.NET page. It loads lots of stuff and its taking 4 - 5 seconds to display images. I can' t page or get a part of items i need to display all of the data so i need a loading message or gif but how can i do that? Can anyone help me? Thanks ...

Easyslider content loading sooner than I would like.

I am using a jquery easyslider on a page and also pulling some rss feeds using php. Pulling the feeds is taking a long time and as a result delaying the load of the easy slider until after the feeds have been pulled in. This can be seen here: I am looking for a way to display a loader image in the space...

a question about flex preloaders

Hi, I'm moving to a pure as3 environment into flex and I have a question about preloaders. For one of my apps in particular when the swf loaded I would add a screen with an animated preloader. Then at a particular point in my code when I know all of my xml has been parsed, UI built and all initiliztion done I dispatch a "done" event wh...

call flex initComplete at a specific time

Hi, Below is the overriden on complete function for a preloader in Flex. private function initComplete(e:Event):void { //dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); cp.status.text="Configuring... Please Wait"; } What I want to do is when the app has finsihed loading I want to change the preloaders text to "configuring". Then...

Is it possible to show the download progress of a flash file?

I know how to setup a preloader and I have that working. But when I debug the flash application and simulate a download, it has a blank background until a few seconds have passed. I know it is "downloading" the swf file and I'm wondering if I can show a progress bar for that, or do I need to have the swf file as small as possible and pr...

Automatic HTML preloader

Hello, I've an page that will load chunks of HTML using ajax. All those fragments will have images and some of them will be specified in a separate CSS using background-image. I wanted to write a pre-loader, so that the loaded chunk will show up only when all the loading is complete. If all the images would have been in the HTML chunk, ...

How do I build a page preloader for a php page?

Hi guys, I want to include a page preloader for all pages on my application. Something like what Gmail displays when its loading the entire page in the background. I don't want a prelaoding bar just the mechanism to display immediately a preloading message while the entire page loads in the background and upon successful load is displaye...