
Why is there a large gap between Begin PreRenderComplete and End PreRenderComplete events?

I'd like to know what can cause this kind of disparity between the begin and end PreRendercomplete events or how I migh go about locating the bottleneck. End PreRender 0.193179639923915 0.001543 Begin PreRenderComplete 0.193206263076064 0.000027 End PreRenderComplete 1.96926008935549 1.7760...

Reusable Page_PreRender function in

I have a function which sets my linkbutton as the default button for a panel. protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { string addClickFunctionScript = @"function addClickFunction(id) { var b = document.getElementById(id); if (b && typeof( == 'undefined') ...

Finding html element onPreRender state of User Control

Hi all, I have a user control which has html elements like <input type="button".... and i want to set its display property on preRender state. Would you please explain, what kind things i have to handle this user control? So, in this function protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { } I have only EventArgs e and it doesn't ha...

what sort of code which we could write in Page_PreRender event only???

hi... I google about Page_preRender that how can we use Page_PreRender rather than page_Load or what could be the scenario where we could not use page_Load and have to use Page_PreRender but every place I find that, "The point at which the objects are prerendered is the last time changes to the objects can be saved or persisted to vi...