
Running setup project (built in .NET) with admin privileges

Hi I have created setup project in Visual Studio 2008. How do I run this setup with admin privileges - I have tried Right-Click, run as administrator. Vista does not prompt me for password. Am I missing something? PK ...

Oracle Trigger Permissions

I want to create a trigger owned by user A for a table that is owned by user B. What permissions must I set on B.table to avoid an ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error? ...

How do I start an out of process COM server as another (more privileged) user

I would like to create a COM object that runs in an out of process COM server as another user. How do I do that? I have control over the COM server source code and my COM client is the only one that will be creating these COM objects. ...

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges creating JMS connection to Oracle topic

One of my colleagues is having an issue creating a (non-durable) subscriber to an Oracle queue from Java. The queue is owned by one schema (say OWNER); he's trying to connect as another user (say SUBSCRIBER). SUBSCRIBER has been granted DEQUEUE privileges (and ENQUEUE, for what it's worth) by OWNER. When he creates the queue with the ... 1.1 TCPIP Printer Port creation with CreateProcessWithLogon API

A few months back I wrote a console application to migrate a group of about 100+ printers and the 1800+ users that use them from some old HP print appliances to a mixed Print Server and Direct to IP Printing solutions. The application uses a database to compare installed printers and remove old/invalid shares and remap to the new ...

How can I drop privileges in Perl?

I created a server program that will be started as root. After it is started I want to drop privileges to another user. How can I do this securely? ...

Find out if user got permission to select/update/... a table/function/... in PostgreSQL

What is the recommended way to figure out if a user got a certain right (e.g. select or execute) on a certain class (e.g. table or function) in PostgreSQL? At the moment I got something like aclcontains( someColumnWithAclitemArray, makeaclitem(userOid,grantorOid,someRight,false)) but it's terrible since I have to check for ev...

mysql java cant execute stored procedure

I am connecting to a mysql(5.08) db running on a linux machine from a web application running in tomcat. I get the following exception..when I try to execute a stored procedure.. com.hp.hpl.chaos.web.exception.DBException: getNextValue for operatorinstance[Additional Information from SQL Exception][SQLErrorCode: 0 SQLState: S1000 a...

Execute Immediate within a stored procedure keeps giving insufficient priviliges error

Here is the definition of the stored procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE usp_dropTable(schema VARCHAR, tblToDrop VARCHAR) IS BEGIN DECLARE v_cnt NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_cnt FROM all_tables WHERE owner = schema AND table_name = tblToDrop; IF v_cnt > 0 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIAT...

Programatically getting UID and GID from username in Unix?

I'm trying to use setuid() and setgid() to set the respective id's of a program to drop privileges down from root, but to use them I need to know the uid and gid of the user I want to change to. Is there a system call to do this? I don't want to hardcode it or parse from /etc/passwd . Also I'd like to do this programatically rather tha...

UnauthorizedAccessException in my own directory

I'm trying to iterate over the items on my start menu, but I keep receiving the UnauthorizedAccessException. I'm the directory's owner and my user is an administrator. Here's my method (it's in a dll project): // root = C:\Users\Fernando\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu private void walkDirectoryTree(DirectoryInfo root) { ...

Is a launchd daemon the best route to go for reading/writing to privileged files in Cocoa?

I have an application which needs to be able to write to Any User/Current host preference files (which requires admin privileges per Preferences Utilities Reference) and also to enable/disable a launchd agent via its plist (writable only by root). I'm using SFAuthorizationView to require users to authenticate as an admin before alterin...

Can you grant privileges to an oracle cluster object?

I'm trying to allow an oracle user (userA) privileges to create a table on a cluster in another user's schema (userB). I can't find the relevant privilege to grant, and granting ALL PRIVILEGES on the cluster to userA complains that the table or view doesn't exist. Is what I'm trying to do possible? I also notice there isn't an ALL_CLU_CO...

Is it possible to view Oracle users roles without having DBA Privilege?

Is it possible to view the roles of the user without having DBA Privilege? If so, how? SELECT * FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'USER_NAME'; The above query needs the "SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE" role. I need to get the result of the above query without (DBA and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE) Privileges. ...

Adjust tokens on non-privileged accounts (C, Windows)

I'm using the following code (which is a sample from the MSDN slightly modified) to check whether i have debug privileges on a process. If I don't I try to set them. int SetDebugPriv() { HANDLE TokenHandle; LUID lpLuid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState; if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &TokenHandle))...

Detect Debug Privileges on a process (Windows, C)

in a previous question I asked how to overcome the fact that in certain users the debug privileges were not there. Now, since I can't set something that doesn't exist, how would I check if a user has debug privileges? I know I have to use LookupPrivilegeValue(), I just can't figure where to read on the returned value that would indicat...

Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0xC0000005 with Inno Setup 5.2.3

I am trying to register a COM DLL using Inno Setup in a setup package I created. During test installations on Vista, I get this error: Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0xC0000005 I click "Ignore" and my application appears to install, but I have to then open a command prompt (as an administrator) and ...

Is the dba_transformations dictionary view only accessible when you log in AS SYSDBA?

I'm trying to query the data dictionary to find information on the transformations in the database. I've given my user DBA privileges, so I can access the DBA_ dictionary views. With this user, I can access all the DBA_ views without issues, however it seems I can only access DBA_TRANSFORMATIONS when logged in AS SYSDBA. Am I missing a s...

SQL Rights Creator/Owner

Our software has data to store, so it also install MYSQL, a root user and a user with read only access if a third party compagny wants to install a backup solution for our data. But the third party wants to write data (a timestamp for backup purpose or something like that...) to another database. How can I change the user so it has read ...

select privilege on more than one table

How do I grant select privilege on more than one table in a single statement? mysql> grant select on dbName.crw_changes to sink; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql> grant select on dbName.crw_changes, dbName.bs_services to sink; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your ...